1 00:01:50,02 --> 00:01:55,55 Good evening I will call the November council meeting to order. We've got just 2 00:01:55,56 --> 00:01:59,98 about all members all members are present and we'll have the final member 3 00:02:02,33 --> 00:02:06,57 indicating such early Thank you all for being here thank you for those in 4 00:02:06,58 --> 00:02:11,57 attendance here in the audience and those joining us via home. There at 5 00:02:11,58 --> 00:02:14,80 a minor agenda is the Pledge of Allegiance followed by 6 00:02:14,81 --> 00:02:17,37 a silent prayer and move occasion I invite you to please stand. 7 00:02:23,59 --> 00:02:28,86 Right here. All the. Way. 8 00:02:41,90 --> 00:02:45,09 Thank you I don't number four on our agenda this evening is the reading of the 9 00:02:45,10 --> 00:02:49,14 minutes of the previous meeting council member see Council attachment number one in 10 00:02:49,15 --> 00:02:56,04 your packets of groupoids. If motion by Kirkpatrick 11 00:02:56,15 --> 00:02:58,60 or second second second by world 12 00:02:59,14 --> 00:03:03,47 a discussion on the minutes C None will move into 13 00:03:03,48 --> 00:03:10,07 a vote on favor signal by saying I oppose nay motion carries. 14 00:03:12,07 --> 00:03:16,66 Item Number four on our agenda this evening is the reading I'm sorry is I remember 15 00:03:16,67 --> 00:03:20,59 five I'm sorry it is the explanation of the visitor speaking procedure those in the 16 00:03:20,63 --> 00:03:25,23 in attendance this evening that would like to address the body may do so after 17 00:03:25,24 --> 00:03:26,38 being acknowledged by 18 00:03:26,39 --> 00:03:31,46 a council member in which you'll be invited to the podium to speak for five minutes 19 00:03:31,95 --> 00:03:33,94 make sure that the microphone is on there's 20 00:03:33,95 --> 00:03:38,22 a push button on the base of the microphone and which will light up green when the 21 00:03:38,23 --> 00:03:40,32 microphone is on your pick up for R.C.C. 22 00:03:40,33 --> 00:03:46,20 A as well as for us to hear you have here. Again those are on items that are 23 00:03:46,81 --> 00:03:52,70 appearing on our agenda this evening and from that item number six my report 24 00:03:53,31 --> 00:03:58,04 believing all the persons city staff and residents here are watching from home as 25 00:03:58,05 --> 00:04:01,70 with previous month's reports I will highlight some of the many items that cross my 26 00:04:01,71 --> 00:04:06,48 desk or our partake in since the last council meeting earlier this month I joined 27 00:04:06,49 --> 00:04:10,27 sophomore high school sophomores from the coup supported words assumption and link 28 00:04:10,28 --> 00:04:14,14 in for the heavy metal bus tour to share an inside look at our local manufacturing 29 00:04:14,15 --> 00:04:17,38 facilities and to highlight the challenging and rewarding careers that 30 00:04:17,39 --> 00:04:22,35 manufacturing offers today's activity included tours of new page tweet Garrett 31 00:04:22,75 --> 00:04:23,88 printing and E.C.C. 32 00:04:23,89 --> 00:04:27,82 Corrosion and learning more about the training opportunities for careers in 33 00:04:27,83 --> 00:04:31,39 manufacturing at mid-state technical college this is 34 00:04:31,40 --> 00:04:33,80 a great opportunity for area employers and it's 35 00:04:33,81 --> 00:04:38,02 a technical college to come together to benefit students by giving them exposure 36 00:04:38,03 --> 00:04:41,98 and awareness to careers in manufacturing. Offering 37 00:04:41,99 --> 00:04:45,35 a competitive annual salary and having vacant positions that need to be filled 38 00:04:45,36 --> 00:04:49,30 through the retirement of baby boomers feel the manufacturing is alive and in many 39 00:04:49,31 --> 00:04:55,06 fields growing in our area manufacturing job vacancies exist now and in the future 40 00:04:55,29 --> 00:04:56,72 that can provide engaging work and 41 00:04:56,73 --> 00:05:00,93 a rewarding career for today's students. Seeing firsthand what jobs in 42 00:05:00,94 --> 00:05:04,53 manufacturing and tail helps provide students with the opportunity to learn and 43 00:05:04,54 --> 00:05:09,51 explore more about the compelling jobs that local manufacturing industry and offer 44 00:05:09,52 --> 00:05:14,10 them. The heavy metal bus tour was put on by the Chamber of Commerce encourage 45 00:05:14,11 --> 00:05:15,11 Community Foundation and 46 00:05:15,12 --> 00:05:18,65 a number of very young players which came together to underwrite the cost for that 47 00:05:18,66 --> 00:05:24,01 event shortly after council approved its formation the aquatics ad hoc committee 48 00:05:24,02 --> 00:05:30,27 formed and begin meeting to swiftly quantify the existing public offerings aquatics 49 00:05:30,28 --> 00:05:33,67 offerings usage review recommendations by the two thousand and twelve two thousand 50 00:05:33,68 --> 00:05:37,77 and sixteen recommendation from the recreational plan to collaborate with community 51 00:05:37,78 --> 00:05:44,07 partners and to understand our our current and upcoming aquatics challenges at this 52 00:05:44,08 --> 00:05:47,46 point the aquatics ad hoc committee has met twice with another meeting planned for 53 00:05:47,47 --> 00:05:51,54 December third at five pm here at city hall the committee plans to produce 54 00:05:51,55 --> 00:05:53,35 a summary of its findings and produce 55 00:05:53,36 --> 00:05:56,47 a recommendation in December of two thousand and fourteen for 56 00:05:56,48 --> 00:06:01,44 a full city council consideration the meetings are publicly noticed and individual 57 00:06:01,45 --> 00:06:06,02 interested individuals are invited to attend. This month aligned with Veterans Day 58 00:06:06,03 --> 00:06:10,77 celebrations I joined members of the county Veterans Service Officers Association 59 00:06:10,78 --> 00:06:14,64 and twelve local state and federal agencies who hosted the inaugural Wisconsin 60 00:06:14,65 --> 00:06:16,26 rapid stand on event at the central U.S. 61 00:06:16,27 --> 00:06:19,75 Center the event was designed to acquaint veterans with the many resources 62 00:06:19,76 --> 00:06:23,86 available to them from enrolling in benefits employment programs and counseling for 63 00:06:23,87 --> 00:06:26,96 personal and financial matters in all the events 64 00:06:26,97 --> 00:06:31,44 a great turnout of over one hundred seven veterans participating forty two of which 65 00:06:31,45 --> 00:06:36,21 received clothing assistance eleven flu shots and seven were identified as homeless 66 00:06:36,58 --> 00:06:40,64 and received assistance with area shelters something critically important with the 67 00:06:40,65 --> 00:06:44,41 cold weather returning obviously to our area. The state of Wisconsin has 68 00:06:44,42 --> 00:06:48,12 a long history of providing support benefits programs and services for returning 69 00:06:48,13 --> 00:06:52,49 veterans but many individuals aren't aware of the programs at the state local and 70 00:06:52,50 --> 00:06:56,43 federal level that they're eligible for the Wisconsin rapid stand on event was an 71 00:06:56,44 --> 00:07:00,73 excellent opportunity for local agencies to revive supporting ways to help veterans 72 00:07:00,74 --> 00:07:07,02 who have selflessly served our nation in this way. Lastly budget by now the finance 73 00:07:07,03 --> 00:07:10,56 and property Committee has completed their review of the proposed two thousand and 74 00:07:10,57 --> 00:07:14,92 fifteen budget I would like again to thank city staff for their efforts to present 75 00:07:14,93 --> 00:07:19,03 this year's budget. In as much of 76 00:07:19,04 --> 00:07:22,28 a planning documents also an opportunity consider changing your competing 77 00:07:22,29 --> 00:07:26,59 priorities this year investments in public safety communications pavement street 78 00:07:26,60 --> 00:07:30,55 maintenance capital the support the replacement of the library roof make up 79 00:07:30,56 --> 00:07:34,89 a few of the larger discretionary capital budget investments are up an improvement 80 00:07:34,90 --> 00:07:38,65 program continues to evolve where budget plays an ongoing role in 81 00:07:38,66 --> 00:07:42,73 a den of fire more efficient or cost effective processes while maintaining the 82 00:07:42,74 --> 00:07:48,70 service residents have come to receive this year's budget preparation didn't come 83 00:07:48,71 --> 00:07:50,19 without its regular challenges 84 00:07:50,23 --> 00:07:53,77 a decline in our manufacturing assessment from two of our largest manufacturers 85 00:07:54,05 --> 00:07:58,43 receiving successful cases and their objection to state assessment valuations this 86 00:07:58,44 --> 00:07:59,59 in particular resulted in 87 00:07:59,60 --> 00:08:03,85 a ten point two million dollars reduction while only off only to be offset by 88 00:08:03,86 --> 00:08:08,82 a meager point nine eight percent in growth factoring cost of doing business such 89 00:08:08,83 --> 00:08:12,38 as cost of living adjustments and health plan commitments left us little options 90 00:08:12,39 --> 00:08:16,96 and whether we needed to consider levying or allow the increase in the tax rate as 91 00:08:16,97 --> 00:08:20,13 with each passing year two thousand and fifteen will certainly leave us with 92 00:08:20,14 --> 00:08:23,78 another opportunity or many opportunities to make smart investments to become even 93 00:08:23,79 --> 00:08:27,15 better stewards of our resources I hope you find value in 94 00:08:27,16 --> 00:08:29,91 a sampling of what my week's consist of as 95 00:08:29,92 --> 00:08:35,03 a reminder I encourage residents to subscribe to my weekly community update on line 96 00:08:35,04 --> 00:08:38,36 and if you're not online catch variations recorded on our C.C.A. 97 00:08:38,37 --> 00:08:39,45 Media or request 98 00:08:39,46 --> 00:08:45,65 a print version from my office thank you. Item number seven under new business item 99 00:08:45,66 --> 00:08:46,58 A is the election of 100 00:08:46,59 --> 00:08:50,98 a citizen member to the ethics board council members we've received letters of 101 00:08:50,99 --> 00:08:56,63 interest in which the clerk has provided us there are three 102 00:08:57,79 --> 00:09:03,27 individuals who have expressed interest in filling the final. Vacancy on the 103 00:09:03,79 --> 00:09:10,73 citizen at the ethics board the first individual is William 104 00:09:10,84 --> 00:09:17,30 Menzel the second individual is Robert Rock and the third individual. Is Julie 105 00:09:17,31 --> 00:09:22,11 Sigler Edmonson Are either of these three individuals in the audience excuse me and 106 00:09:22,12 --> 00:09:28,97 the audience as evening OK right council 107 00:09:28,98 --> 00:09:32,43 members open it up for nominations 108 00:09:41,37 --> 00:09:42,80 and entertain a motion or 109 00:09:42,81 --> 00:09:48,08 a nomination on the person for Patrick we thank you. So much as I wish that these 110 00:09:48,09 --> 00:09:54,24 three individuals were here tonight to speak on their own behalf and 111 00:09:55,09 --> 00:10:00,86 everyone's discussion we don't have that opportunity but I hope. Other couple of 112 00:10:00,87 --> 00:10:05,31 individuals will follow me here like to nominate William Menzel 113 00:10:08,18 --> 00:10:10,84 the nomination for William Menzel and their other nominations 114 00:10:17,01 --> 00:10:22,58 for the second time are there any other nominations for the third and final time 115 00:10:22,59 --> 00:10:26,90 are there any other nominations with that might entertain 116 00:10:26,91 --> 00:10:31,31 a motion to close nominations and asked not a misspelling of 117 00:10:31,32 --> 00:10:37,41 a motion by Kirkpatrick second by Kellogg and you discussion seeing none movement 118 00:10:37,42 --> 00:10:43,48 to vote ever say by saying I opposed name that passes Thank you 119 00:10:44,57 --> 00:10:50,44 all for cigarette or please thank you. In the future I'm. Impressed to see 120 00:10:51,56 --> 00:10:56,98 more than just one person coming forward wishing to take part in the process of 121 00:10:56,99 --> 00:11:01,28 explorative other other boards and committees that we have commissions that we've 122 00:11:01,29 --> 00:11:06,62 got. Going forward from here I'd love to see more people wish to be involved in 123 00:11:06,63 --> 00:11:10,77 these other individuals that were not nominated tonight again I would love to see 124 00:11:10,78 --> 00:11:15,20 them see their names on some role in the future step forward and say I'd like to be 125 00:11:15,21 --> 00:11:20,09 a part of the process one way shape or form or another so keep your ears open and 126 00:11:20,10 --> 00:11:25,08 by all means please step forward to our to help the community thank you and I call 127 00:11:25,09 --> 00:11:28,40 the person Patrick thank the three individuals for wishing to throw their name in 128 00:11:28,41 --> 00:11:33,70 the hat for consideration for that open position as always positions do come 129 00:11:33,74 --> 00:11:38,20 available as terms expire and which I would encourage in interested individuals who 130 00:11:38,21 --> 00:11:42,55 wish to serve to contact either my office or contact the city clerk to share se 131 00:11:42,56 --> 00:11:47,50 their resume or their interest so we may well to keep them in mind as we fill 132 00:11:48,25 --> 00:11:51,35 positions in the future. Seven B.N. 133 00:11:51,35 --> 00:11:57,74 Update by the aquatics ad hoc committee. That was to appear on the December council 134 00:11:57,76 --> 00:12:02,35 meeting and update was read by myself in the council report I would entertain if 135 00:12:02,37 --> 00:12:04,81 there's any questions. We've got 136 00:12:04,85 --> 00:12:09,13 a few minutes that have not been compiled in the packet here this evening but if 137 00:12:09,14 --> 00:12:12,80 anyone has any specific questions let's discuss at our next meeting will be 138 00:12:12,81 --> 00:12:19,63 December third at five pm here at city hall. Right with third and that's not. 139 00:12:21,90 --> 00:12:26,60 Right December third at five pm any questions on the ad hoc committee invite older 140 00:12:26,61 --> 00:12:33,19 persons or anyone wishing to attend that meeting as well OK 141 00:12:33,39 --> 00:12:36,100 Moving to item number eight the public hearing on the twenty fifteen budget in 142 00:12:37,01 --> 00:12:43,99 which we will open the public hearing with that I 143 00:12:43,100 --> 00:12:49,87 will entertain discussion also members and wish 144 00:12:52,00 --> 00:12:57,75 to speak on the twenty fifteen budget all the persons stack please 145 00:12:59,03 --> 00:13:05,82 you very very verses. Again I'd like to thank the staff and the 146 00:13:06,57 --> 00:13:13,15 members throughout the city who have worked to put this together I recognize 147 00:13:13,37 --> 00:13:20,18 that not all things are met. In. Those things 148 00:13:20,19 --> 00:13:22,99 which people would like to see done within the city we had 149 00:13:23,00 --> 00:13:29,33 a discussion in our meeting this evening about what can and what will be done and 150 00:13:29,34 --> 00:13:33,69 the allocation of resources that will always be a struggle that 151 00:13:33,70 --> 00:13:38,76 a community will have because we have competing interests for 152 00:13:38,77 --> 00:13:45,71 a certain dollar some that is not is not of open to what we might like 153 00:13:45,72 --> 00:13:52,40 to do we have from the state of Wisconsin we have an expenditure expenditure 154 00:13:52,40 --> 00:13:55,96 restraint limit which says to us each year you as 155 00:13:55,97 --> 00:13:59,08 a community may be able to raise your taxes by 156 00:13:59,08 --> 00:14:04,33 a certain amount with that in mind the staff has to look at those things which 157 00:14:04,33 --> 00:14:09,79 a lot would like to the I would like to have and be able to do in the upcoming year 158 00:14:10,60 --> 00:14:15,76 it was pointed out in our meeting this evening that not all streets are plowed is 159 00:14:15,76 --> 00:14:21,58 that as residents would like to see that done and I certainly understand that and 160 00:14:21,59 --> 00:14:27,43 the city has adopted through the years guidelines that say this is how we will do 161 00:14:27,44 --> 00:14:34,39 our street snowplowing in turn we have been asked this evening by the chief 162 00:14:34,40 --> 00:14:40,10 of police to purchase repeaters to enhance our emergency communications as that 163 00:14:40,11 --> 00:14:45,36 takes place over the next few years will be purchasing two repeaters that will be 164 00:14:45,37 --> 00:14:49,81 used for the communications that take place in the city between our emergency 165 00:14:49,82 --> 00:14:56,17 services and also if need be the city and the county will be able to 166 00:14:56,18 --> 00:15:02,36 monitor and as need be perhaps talk to one another the move to digital 167 00:15:02,37 --> 00:15:08,23 communications was required by law so because of that we have expenditures to meet 168 00:15:08,23 --> 00:15:15,15 . We have in addition to the expenditure restraint limits we have those 169 00:15:15,16 --> 00:15:19,85 expenses that are brought to us through negotiations with our different departments 170 00:15:19,86 --> 00:15:24,87 of the people there now that is somewhat limited that than it has been in the past 171 00:15:24,88 --> 00:15:31,26 due to the Act ten However we still have to carry out and work with those people 172 00:15:31,27 --> 00:15:35,66 because we want those people to work for us and feel that they are in valued 173 00:15:35,67 --> 00:15:42,55 employees one thing we Another thing that we work with is the meeting the needs of 174 00:15:42,56 --> 00:15:49,06 health insurance as as laws have changed. Things that are and are 175 00:15:49,07 --> 00:15:55,27 done by health insurance dollars have changed as well for example when I worked 176 00:15:55,66 --> 00:16:01,07 when the child reached twenty one they were on their own typically. There is few 177 00:16:01,08 --> 00:16:02,63 exceptions now 178 00:16:02,64 --> 00:16:08,93 a child can be twenty six before they'll be off the parents' insurance rolls. We 179 00:16:08,94 --> 00:16:13,40 have health savings account and other matters that we bring forward and discuss in 180 00:16:13,41 --> 00:16:19,20 committee and council the nature of the beast is such that we have so many dollars 181 00:16:19,21 --> 00:16:25,11 and so many people competing for it that we do find we are not meeting all needs at 182 00:16:25,11 --> 00:16:31,61 all times I believe the committee and the staff has worked to 183 00:16:32,53 --> 00:16:33,71 allocate dollars in 184 00:16:33,72 --> 00:16:40,23 a way that goals one things are done the city and the community will feel we have 185 00:16:40,46 --> 00:16:44,89 done things appropriately I realize that there is 186 00:16:44,90 --> 00:16:49,51 a number of opinions out there that may not always be and I understand that and I 187 00:16:49,52 --> 00:16:54,22 accept that as as anyone who's raised a family for example and worked on 188 00:16:54,23 --> 00:17:01,01 a budget. In this upcoming year were we are looking to add some physicians 189 00:17:01,52 --> 00:17:08,01 who are looking to use technology to help in our day to day activities. Perhaps as 190 00:17:08,02 --> 00:17:13,62 we go forward these will pay out and be improvements to the city and that are 191 00:17:13,63 --> 00:17:18,35 something that will carry forward as we go and as subsequent budgets and subsequent 192 00:17:18,36 --> 00:17:25,00 councils and mayors again it's not an easy project which ten minutes staff of the 193 00:17:25,01 --> 00:17:30,33 department heads do and I appreciate all that they have done and the questions 194 00:17:30,34 --> 00:17:33,88 a been able to answer I thank you Your Honor thank you all 195 00:17:33,89 --> 00:17:39,75 a person for Patrick your second Thank you. Two things struck me this time around 196 00:17:39,77 --> 00:17:46,11 especially tonight one. Ever since I got on council and saw the budget process take 197 00:17:46,12 --> 00:17:50,33 place I was I was severely disappointed in the lack of people who turned out to 198 00:17:50,34 --> 00:17:52,10 actually walk through 199 00:17:52,11 --> 00:17:56,97 a budget with Finance Committee and with the counsel of the mayor so I'm really 200 00:17:57,73 --> 00:18:02,16 overjoyed and excited to see members of the community come out to discuss the 201 00:18:02,17 --> 00:18:02,75 budget and be 202 00:18:02,76 --> 00:18:07,10 a part of that process whether or not you agree with all the things that are being 203 00:18:07,11 --> 00:18:11,67 proposed it's neither here nor there I'm just really happy to see that you've come 204 00:18:11,68 --> 00:18:18,15 out so thank you second is something that I hope not to steal Mr Kellogg's thunder 205 00:18:18,16 --> 00:18:22,27 on but you were a big advocate of finding 206 00:18:22,28 --> 00:18:28,54 a way for the city to come together with the library and realize the rough project 207 00:18:28,55 --> 00:18:34,26 that was in desperate need and I really want to commend mayors office and Tim for 208 00:18:34,35 --> 00:18:34,64 finding 209 00:18:34,65 --> 00:18:41,62 a way to make that work in conjunction with the library. Number 210 00:18:41,63 --> 00:18:44,85 of the public for the first time anyone wishing to address the body on the twenty 211 00:18:44,86 --> 00:18:50,25 fifteen budget or the second time anyone wishing to address the Council on the 212 00:18:50,26 --> 00:18:56,83 twenty fifteen budget and for the third and final time anyone wishing to address 213 00:18:56,84 --> 00:19:02,31 the body on the two thousand and fifteen proposed budget. Council members any 214 00:19:02,32 --> 00:19:09,15 further discussion you know for their discussion I 215 00:19:09,16 --> 00:19:13,56 will entertain a motion. One second I'm sorry we had to close 216 00:19:13,58 --> 00:19:19,36 a public hearing probably. Oh right thank you so at that point they entertain 217 00:19:19,37 --> 00:19:22,75 a motion to close a public hearing of 218 00:19:22,76 --> 00:19:28,01 a motion second motion the second by Kellogg most made by Kirkpatrick to close the 219 00:19:28,02 --> 00:19:34,75 public hearing all favor opposed that passes will move into Item number nine that 220 00:19:34,76 --> 00:19:39,13 item will be picked up later in the report as the city attorney pointed out Item 221 00:19:39,14 --> 00:19:42,64 number nine report of the Nov eighteenth meeting of the finance and property 222 00:19:42,65 --> 00:19:48,81 committee. On the person stacked please thank you Your Honor 223 00:19:50,57 --> 00:19:57,30 the first report. Mayor. Will be doing the 224 00:19:57,31 --> 00:19:59,57 second report right behind the first and 225 00:20:09,83 --> 00:20:14,88 this is tonight's report was I'm sorry it was 226 00:20:14,89 --> 00:20:20,68 a question just that since we have the two meetings how do we want to do those just 227 00:20:20,69 --> 00:20:23,74 do you do the first report first and then we'll move in the November fourth 228 00:20:24,13 --> 00:20:28,49 November eighteenth I'm sorry the first one on our agenda tonight to be the second 229 00:20:28,50 --> 00:20:34,83 one OK night's meeting I have noticed first in our agenda My apologies from. The 230 00:20:34,84 --> 00:20:37,07 finance and property committee met at five P.M. 231 00:20:37,08 --> 00:20:40,83 On Tuesday Nov eighteenth two thousand and fourteen at the first floor conference 232 00:20:40,84 --> 00:20:45,23 room at the City Hall all members were present also attending were Tim to source 233 00:20:45,24 --> 00:20:51,67 the mayor Zack through Inc for Mayor Mary Jo Carson Mary Jo Haney 234 00:20:52,20 --> 00:20:58,44 Steve Stephen cause Dave Kirkman all with Steve was his daughter Dave Kirkman 235 00:20:58,95 --> 00:21:05,94 warrior Jim Gorski shamed Lazar. Melanie Lauder and all the person Todd for me and 236 00:21:05,95 --> 00:21:11,72 Tom. And all the person Kirkpatrick walked in at the end of the media was called to 237 00:21:11,73 --> 00:21:15,37 order items to a resolution adopted 238 00:21:15,38 --> 00:21:20,79 a tax levy and the two thousand and fifteen city budget. Meet resolve that the 239 00:21:20,80 --> 00:21:25,18 budget for the year two thousand and fifteen asked stated in the public hearing 240 00:21:25,19 --> 00:21:29,40 document dated November eighteenth two thousand and fourteen B. 241 00:21:29,41 --> 00:21:34,62 And the same is hereby adopted in the sum of twenty eight million eight thousand 242 00:21:34,80 --> 00:21:38,45 four hundred thirty and twenty eight one hundred dollars B. 243 00:21:38,46 --> 00:21:43,46 And the same as here by Levy and assessed against all taxable property both real 244 00:21:43,47 --> 00:21:47,94 and personal within the city of Wisconsin Rapids Wisconsin for the year two 245 00:21:47,95 --> 00:21:53,57 thousand and fourteen. Further resolved that the appropriate tax rate be 246 00:21:53,58 --> 00:21:58,53 established and applied to the valuation of property in the city as certified by 247 00:21:58,54 --> 00:22:03,76 the state so as to raise the required amount of twenty eight million eight thousand 248 00:22:03,86 --> 00:22:08,31 four hundred thirty dollars and twenty eight cents it was moved by Dole and 249 00:22:08,37 --> 00:22:14,68 seconded by world to adopt a resolution of impasse item three pardon me 250 00:22:15,09 --> 00:22:19,70 a request from St superintendent Gymboree ski to replace a forklift and 251 00:22:19,71 --> 00:22:22,21 a floor sweeper it was moved by 252 00:22:22,22 --> 00:22:28,69 a World segment by Dolan to approve the purchase of the Conqueror Toyota lived for 253 00:22:28,70 --> 00:22:33,67 twenty one thousand nine hundred forty seven dollars from the equipment replacement 254 00:22:33,68 --> 00:22:40,63 fund motion carried see attachment to it was moved by whirl seconded by Dolan to 255 00:22:40,64 --> 00:22:43,79 over to hold over the request to purchase a floor sweeper 256 00:22:45,29 --> 00:22:50,54 a request from Police Chief for you to purchase repeater repeaters for emergency 257 00:22:50,55 --> 00:22:56,18 communications it was moved by world seconded by Dolan to approve the request to 258 00:22:56,19 --> 00:23:01,15 purchase the repeaters in the amount of twenty six thousand two hundred thirty four 259 00:23:01,16 --> 00:23:04,17 dollars and eighty eight cents from descant C. 260 00:23:04,18 --> 00:23:10,06 Attached to three it was moved seconded to adjourn the motion carried the median 261 00:23:10,07 --> 00:23:11,69 adjourned at five forty P.M. 262 00:23:12,71 --> 00:23:16,55 Your Honor I move for adoption of these minutes as presented. Got 263 00:23:16,56 --> 00:23:21,89 a motion by stack to approve this verse and the second by a whirl or to do 264 00:23:21,90 --> 00:23:25,50 a roll call vote Chad if you could get the you're second on the button on the 265 00:23:25,51 --> 00:23:29,15 remote Please give a motion in a second move in 266 00:23:29,16 --> 00:23:35,00 a discussion of the person for Patrick please thank you just one note of 267 00:23:35,01 --> 00:23:41,64 clarification here. For it's listed as twenty six thousand to thirty four. 268 00:23:43,51 --> 00:23:49,01 And if I flip over to attachment three it shows total cost on the bottom line of 269 00:23:49,05 --> 00:23:54,95 twenty six thousand and fourteen dollars eighty eight cents just curious of all is 270 00:23:55,18 --> 00:23:59,63 which one of those two numbers was accurate it's two thirty four 271 00:24:10,95 --> 00:24:15,08 OK OK thank you the minutes are accurate thank you for the clarification and the 272 00:24:15,09 --> 00:24:22,01 other wishes to request to speak again echoing other person or 273 00:24:22,02 --> 00:24:25,51 Patrick and other person stacks comments about participation I think having our 274 00:24:25,52 --> 00:24:29,23 youngest participant in the budget process with Kalen thank you for being here nice 275 00:24:29,24 --> 00:24:29,54 to see 276 00:24:29,55 --> 00:24:33,63 a young face having interest this early in the political process hopefully you 277 00:24:33,74 --> 00:24:37,59 stick with it as time goes on in America arse and it's great to see you as well 278 00:24:37,60 --> 00:24:40,23 thanks for being here so move into 279 00:24:40,24 --> 00:24:50,76 a vote please cast your ballot it's voting 280 00:24:50,77 --> 00:24:51,21 carried 281 00:24:51,25 --> 00:24:56,82 a days and they're on the move into Item Number ten or agenda this evening standing 282 00:24:56,83 --> 00:25:00,37 council committee reports item eight is finance and property committee meeting held 283 00:25:00,38 --> 00:25:06,53 Nov fourth all the person stacking up again yes but. 284 00:25:07,70 --> 00:25:10,65 The finance and property committee met at five P.M. 285 00:25:10,70 --> 00:25:17,12 On Tuesday November pardon me yes November fourth. 286 00:25:28,86 --> 00:25:35,78 Duly noted duly noted Yes. As an inside joke 287 00:25:35,79 --> 00:25:40,80 among those here President. Some other people who are on the other committee 288 00:25:40,81 --> 00:25:45,68 meeting know to us. The fight is a property committee met at five P.M. 289 00:25:46,05 --> 00:25:51,38 On Tuesday Nov fourth two thousand and fourteen the first floor conference room at 290 00:25:51,39 --> 00:25:56,84 City Hall all members were present except Alderman world who was excused also 291 00:25:56,85 --> 00:26:02,74 attending were Karen Madden of the Daily Tribune them to source the mayor's act 292 00:26:02,75 --> 00:26:07,47 through Inc and all the persons Kirkpatrick and rail on the media was called to 293 00:26:07,48 --> 00:26:12,98 order a request from police chief lawyer for approval to apply for radio T.V. 294 00:26:13,35 --> 00:26:14,05 B.O.T.S. 295 00:26:14,06 --> 00:26:19,77 High visibility corridor enforcement Grant is moved by stacks seconded by Dolan to 296 00:26:19,81 --> 00:26:25,19 prove the request to apply for the grant motion carried review and consider request 297 00:26:25,20 --> 00:26:30,42 to approve a resolution as you dating American deposit management company as 298 00:26:30,43 --> 00:26:33,00 a public positive or if the resolution is 299 00:26:33,01 --> 00:26:38,95 a patch it was moved by stack seconded by Dolan to prove the resolution motion 300 00:26:38,96 --> 00:26:43,40 carried the waterworks and lighting commission two thousand and fifteen budget 301 00:26:43,41 --> 00:26:46,45 review and approval it was moved by stacks and 302 00:26:46,46 --> 00:26:51,61 a second by Dolan to approve the two thousand and fifteen budget motion carried 303 00:26:52,35 --> 00:26:57,81 review purchasing policy matrix decided was for discussion only no action was taken 304 00:26:58,70 --> 00:27:00,75 two thousand and fifteen budget review 305 00:27:01,29 --> 00:27:06,13 a discussion was held. Was held to have six thousand budgeted for 306 00:27:06,14 --> 00:27:09,15 a Spring City like cleanup and to increase 307 00:27:09,16 --> 00:27:13,98 a line item for council members to attend conferences five hundred dollars to two 308 00:27:13,99 --> 00:27:19,56 thousand the attachment to those who buy stack second by Dolan to adopt 309 00:27:19,57 --> 00:27:24,52 a budget with the above changes to be added motion carried beverage operator 310 00:27:24,53 --> 00:27:30,12 license applications it was moved by stacks second by Dolan to approve new licenses 311 00:27:30,50 --> 00:27:34,05 for the following individuals motion carried it was moved by 312 00:27:34,06 --> 00:27:39,15 a stack seconded by Dolan to renew licenses for the following applicant motion 313 00:27:39,16 --> 00:27:43,11 carried is moved by stacks second by Dolan to approve 314 00:27:43,12 --> 00:27:48,21 a license for an individual However the license will not be issued until an 315 00:27:48,22 --> 00:27:53,46 outstanding fine is paid to the city's municipal court office motion carried audit 316 00:27:53,47 --> 00:27:59,67 of the bills is moved and seconded to pay the bills are five seven zero one six two 317 00:27:59,68 --> 00:28:04,85 five seven three six three the motion carried is moved by this it was moved and 318 00:28:04,86 --> 00:28:09,39 seconded to adjourn the motion carried the meeting adjourned at six fifty P.M. 319 00:28:09,40 --> 00:28:14,55 With James stack chairperson Barry Dolan secretary Your Honor I move for adoption 320 00:28:14,56 --> 00:28:18,98 of these minutes November fourth two thousand and fourteen with 321 00:28:18,99 --> 00:28:24,14 a motion to prove by stack is there a second and get 322 00:28:24,15 --> 00:28:28,92 a second one second on the person thirty second ad motion I want to discuss and all 323 00:28:28,93 --> 00:28:33,42 the person Kellogg you'd like to discuss and item sort of move out number pull out 324 00:28:33,43 --> 00:28:39,12 item number four are there any other items one wishes to pull out of the report of 325 00:28:39,13 --> 00:28:43,62 the person Cal Kirkpatrick I'm sorry not want to pull out but just one thing to 326 00:28:43,63 --> 00:28:49,83 kind of mention here regarding I don't number six. Out there. 327 00:28:50,86 --> 00:28:51,38 To increase 328 00:28:51,39 --> 00:28:54,92 a line for consumers to attend conferences for five hundred to two thousand dollars 329 00:28:55,66 --> 00:28:59,69 I think as small of an amount as it is I think it's important that people 330 00:28:59,70 --> 00:29:04,69 understand that the five hundred dollars that was originally budgeted I don't know 331 00:29:04,70 --> 00:29:09,67 when that number went into the budget to begin with how many years back but that 332 00:29:09,68 --> 00:29:16,45 five hundred dollars was for all eight of our consul members so if we wanted to go 333 00:29:16,46 --> 00:29:22,66 down to League of Wisconsin municipalities conference and let's just say the two of 334 00:29:22,67 --> 00:29:25,32 us wanted to go down suddenly we'd have to come back and make 335 00:29:25,33 --> 00:29:29,21 a special budget request to be able to have that paid for because those are what 336 00:29:29,39 --> 00:29:31,47 three hundred some dollars are or more in 337 00:29:31,48 --> 00:29:37,87 a lot of cases for those types of conferences. Per you know per person to go to 338 00:29:37,88 --> 00:29:43,50 these things so the move to go from five hundred to two thousand dollars I think is 339 00:29:43,50 --> 00:29:43,86 a is 340 00:29:43,86 --> 00:29:50,77 a wise decision to help offset some of that cost and to get perhaps more 341 00:29:50,78 --> 00:29:56,22 of us to go to some of these things when they come available and the other kind of 342 00:29:56,23 --> 00:30:01,98 important key to remember here is that if we don't go to any conferences that money 343 00:30:01,99 --> 00:30:07,52 is not lost it's rolled over to the next year so you know to say that it's money 344 00:30:07,53 --> 00:30:14,26 thrown away is not really accurate it's money invested in the education of the 345 00:30:14,27 --> 00:30:18,83 Council on certain items that they wish to go to or it's money that's held over for 346 00:30:18,84 --> 00:30:24,90 future years thank you and other requests to speak on the balance of the report on 347 00:30:24,91 --> 00:30:30,97 the person's deck please just one thing for the record if the clerk could include 348 00:30:31,27 --> 00:30:37,84 that we had Geoff. Hoon and Jim Brown were at that 349 00:30:38,19 --> 00:30:44,56 meeting on November fourth from the water in Light thank you 350 00:30:45,39 --> 00:30:50,77 you know the requests to speak seen and willing to vote Please cast your ballot on 351 00:30:50,78 --> 00:30:53,40 the balance of the report with the exception of item number four. 352 00:30:58,47 --> 00:31:02,85 Motion carried eight days and they're on the move into discussion on item number 353 00:31:02,86 --> 00:31:07,40 four which was the report which is waterworks and lighting two thousand and fifteen 354 00:31:07,41 --> 00:31:11,58 budget review and approval. It open up discussion or entertain 355 00:31:11,59 --> 00:31:16,19 a motion on that item or the person Khaled I like to make 356 00:31:16,20 --> 00:31:23,07 a comment this is for my own clarity. I have no problem with that budget but 357 00:31:23,11 --> 00:31:29,06 I know the water and light is in is asking for an increase of five percent grade is 358 00:31:29,07 --> 00:31:34,90 that part of this budget and if it's not I would like to see water and lay come 359 00:31:34,91 --> 00:31:40,68 back to the common console and share how that revenue is going to be used solve is 360 00:31:40,69 --> 00:31:46,67 it part of this budget or does but it hasn't been approved yet 361 00:31:51,09 --> 00:31:57,08 OK So then if it's going to be taken out 362 00:31:59,83 --> 00:32:05,23 OK because I wasn't sure if it was included and if it wasn't then when you do have 363 00:32:05,24 --> 00:32:11,28 an increase Jim would you mind coming to the podium I don't mind but I know Tom 364 00:32:11,29 --> 00:32:15,23 will be out of the room here shortly to ask for you to come up so we can pick you 365 00:32:15,24 --> 00:32:15,84 up on T.V. 366 00:32:15,85 --> 00:32:21,60 Thank you introduce yourself please for the My name is Jim Brown the general 367 00:32:21,61 --> 00:32:26,96 manager of water light Thank you. You know we filed for the rate increase of April 368 00:32:26,97 --> 00:32:28,30 of this year but there's been such 369 00:32:28,31 --> 00:32:32,76 a backlog with Public Service Commission that they finally got around to having 370 00:32:32,77 --> 00:32:38,19 a hearing last week. And it's supposed to be approved we hear from the Public 371 00:32:38,20 --> 00:32:44,31 Service Commission sometime in early December which would mean more than likely 372 00:32:44,32 --> 00:32:47,54 a January implementation date again it's 373 00:32:47,55 --> 00:32:52,61 a first rate increase we've had since January of two thousand and nine. I think the 374 00:32:52,62 --> 00:32:56,94 average residential bill is forecasted to go up almost five dollars 375 00:32:56,95 --> 00:33:03,32 a month. But if you look at our rates residentially against the rest of the eighty 376 00:33:03,33 --> 00:33:08,56 four utilities in the state of Wisconsin where you are in the lower third or 377 00:33:08,57 --> 00:33:14,06 actually the lower fifteen utilities in the state even after the rate increase. If 378 00:33:14,07 --> 00:33:17,72 you look at our neighboring utilities investor owned utilities and co-ops the 379 00:33:17,73 --> 00:33:21,02 residential rates are twenty to twenty five percent higher than water and lights 380 00:33:22,62 --> 00:33:26,35 and I have no problem with that I just want the clarification so the Common Council 381 00:33:26,94 --> 00:33:33,18 will know that. Any other questions for Jim always at the podium on the twenty 382 00:33:33,19 --> 00:33:37,27 fifteen want to work some late budget the person stacked you know your honor just 383 00:33:37,28 --> 00:33:42,38 to jam in the information you presented that evening to us you indicated 384 00:33:42,39 --> 00:33:47,17 a rate of return authorized five point seven five percent for your electorate and 385 00:33:47,18 --> 00:33:52,16 your rate of return as filed will be four point seven six percent is that still 386 00:33:52,17 --> 00:33:59,15 correct correct all right and the allowable rate of return by the for the electric 387 00:33:59,16 --> 00:34:04,12 side of the business is seven percent he's been keeping the rate of return 388 00:34:04,13 --> 00:34:08,68 significantly lower than that especially for three minutes of the utilities an 389 00:34:08,69 --> 00:34:14,00 investor owned utilities are typically getting their standard rate of return. And 390 00:34:14,01 --> 00:34:18,37 on the ward or the rate of return authorized is the Nikkei is being six percent 391 00:34:18,38 --> 00:34:22,73 this is on page eleven of the report and you are in the Katyn four point three five 392 00:34:22,74 --> 00:34:26,93 percent as your return that is our forecast for next year pending we don't have 393 00:34:26,94 --> 00:34:32,73 another winter like last year correct the winner when you have people running water 394 00:34:32,74 --> 00:34:37,98 that just bears on the cost of producing that water doesn't it not so much the 395 00:34:37,99 --> 00:34:42,99 purchasing the wear and tear on the system I think we had water main breaks back in 396 00:34:43,00 --> 00:34:47,52 ninety five was our record I think we had thirty five water main breaks last year 397 00:34:47,53 --> 00:34:53,52 and and many many services that the residential customers. 398 00:34:55,16 --> 00:34:56,38 Sampson street was lit up 399 00:34:56,39 --> 00:35:00,92 a couple of times last year Act Thank you and we had our first break yesterday 400 00:35:01,27 --> 00:35:06,25 correct we're well in well in order for another tough winter and the other 401 00:35:06,26 --> 00:35:10,92 questions for Jim were on the any discussion from all the persons on the twenty 402 00:35:10,93 --> 00:35:14,00 fifteen budget review and approval and the same I guess we go to those in the 403 00:35:14,01 --> 00:35:20,50 audience all the press for Patrick please thank you Mr Keller since you asked. I 404 00:35:20,51 --> 00:35:23,90 know kind of looking through this and you don't have any projects that are quite as 405 00:35:23,98 --> 00:35:27,93 large and expensive as the Peach Street substation project from 406 00:35:27,94 --> 00:35:31,68 a few years back but can you kind of elaborate were some of these farms are being 407 00:35:33,21 --> 00:35:36,95 proposed to be utilized in the future I know it's quite 408 00:35:36,96 --> 00:35:41,01 a list of stuff that you had there but maybe just some or some of the high points 409 00:35:41,92 --> 00:35:48,82 OK well the capital expenditures will tend to trend down when we've. I was first 410 00:35:48,83 --> 00:35:50,42 hired in two thousand and six there was 411 00:35:50,43 --> 00:35:54,76 a lot of system work that needed to be done both in our substations anarchist 412 00:35:55,14 --> 00:36:00,88 facilities so the amount of capital that we spend my first four or five years will 413 00:36:00,89 --> 00:36:07,27 tend to trend down since we've made most our major investments. Next year 414 00:36:07,82 --> 00:36:12,71 the bigger capital items on the electric side is and is another A.T.C. 415 00:36:12,72 --> 00:36:17,91 Feed to our baker substation at one hundred fifteen thousand volts to kind of 416 00:36:17,92 --> 00:36:21,60 improve reliability and I'll announce allowed to work in that substation without 417 00:36:21,61 --> 00:36:26,47 having to take the holes and then serving the whole city from the west side or our 418 00:36:26,48 --> 00:36:27,94 west Wisconsin sub So it's 419 00:36:27,95 --> 00:36:34,53 a reliability move. Things probably to the residents will see we do have money in 420 00:36:34,54 --> 00:36:39,17 the budget to start street lighting on a street upgrading that will be 421 00:36:39,18 --> 00:36:43,82 a several year project but we hope to get some portion of that done next year. 422 00:36:45,57 --> 00:36:47,74 We're also running fiber for 423 00:36:47,75 --> 00:36:52,31 a better backbone for our metering our skaters system or finishing our fiber 424 00:36:52,32 --> 00:36:58,81 projects running it to the water towers and to the office. So that is pretty much 425 00:37:00,03 --> 00:37:04,58 the bigger ones and we're replacing fuses at the high school so which is or other 426 00:37:04,59 --> 00:37:11,44 large project that's one hundred seventy five thousand dollars. On the water 427 00:37:11,45 --> 00:37:18,28 so. Well we have water main additions with the city which is roughly five 428 00:37:18,29 --> 00:37:22,89 hundred ninety five thousand dollars will be replacing water main and sewer jointly 429 00:37:23,20 --> 00:37:27,49 and that is really the big expenditure nothing else on the water side continuing 430 00:37:27,50 --> 00:37:31,06 our filter plant automation is about seventy five thousand up to speak of it not 431 00:37:31,07 --> 00:37:37,97 much on the water side actually thank you very much any other questions 432 00:37:37,98 --> 00:37:41,28 or discussion on that item was it entertain 433 00:37:41,29 --> 00:37:48,01 a motion on that item as well you better motion to prove by Kellogg's or second 434 00:37:49,19 --> 00:37:49,30 in 435 00:37:49,31 --> 00:37:53,64 a second by the person stack to approve of them the balance of the report which is 436 00:37:53,65 --> 00:37:58,100 item number for any further discussion saying none Please cast your ballots 437 00:38:07,42 --> 00:38:08,15 motion carried 438 00:38:08,23 --> 00:38:12,22 a days in their own news thanks for your interesting questions on the budget gem 439 00:38:12,23 --> 00:38:16,29 thanks for being here and John chairperson of the warlike commission correct thanks 440 00:38:16,30 --> 00:38:22,87 for being here as well OK item number ten B. 441 00:38:23,13 --> 00:38:26,59 Public Works Committee meeting held Nov fifth on the person rail. 442 00:38:33,35 --> 00:38:38,76 Thank you Your Honor the Public Works Committee met at four thirty P.M. 443 00:38:38,77 --> 00:38:43,31 On Wednesday Nov fifth two thousand and fourteen in the second floor conference 444 00:38:43,32 --> 00:38:46,91 room at City Hall all members were present also attending would be 445 00:38:46,92 --> 00:38:52,76 a blast but you like that make dooms the meeting was called Order Number one number 446 00:38:52,77 --> 00:38:59,16 two requests from young thirteen twenty Apple street to commit to the reconstruct 447 00:38:59,92 --> 00:39:05,37 reconstructing Apple street tween twelve Street south and fifteenth Street so in 448 00:39:05,38 --> 00:39:11,61 two thousand and sixteen because he needs the property by city utilities no one is 449 00:39:11,62 --> 00:39:14,59 present for the item Mr Young needs 450 00:39:14,60 --> 00:39:18,44 a commitment from the city that his fortune of apples to be reconstructed in two 451 00:39:18,45 --> 00:39:21,30 thousand and sixteen get his property served by 452 00:39:21,31 --> 00:39:26,16 a city utility so that he can go on for its property. There's 453 00:39:26,17 --> 00:39:28,18 a motion of second through recommend 454 00:39:28,19 --> 00:39:32,53 a commitment to reconstruct Apple Street between Fall Street itself and fifteenth 455 00:39:32,57 --> 00:39:37,77 Street. In two thousand and sixteen and the property will be charged for the actual 456 00:39:37,78 --> 00:39:43,25 cost of the install Boulevard utility leads to this property and that motion 457 00:39:43,31 --> 00:39:48,47 carried Item number three review and approve the selection of the engineering 458 00:39:48,48 --> 00:39:53,50 consultant for engineering design services for the intersection modification for 459 00:39:53,51 --> 00:39:58,59 objects at each street south and east Grand Avenue Engineering Department 460 00:39:58,60 --> 00:40:04,60 recommends the selection of Sprint associates for engineering design services the 461 00:40:04,61 --> 00:40:06,12 second choice of the M.S.A. 462 00:40:06,13 --> 00:40:11,70 Professional services with heirs associates as third choice there's 463 00:40:11,71 --> 00:40:15,30 a motion of second thought through strand associates for engineering design 464 00:40:15,31 --> 00:40:18,57 services with the second choice being and as 465 00:40:18,58 --> 00:40:24,48 a professional services in years associates as the third place that moves very item 466 00:40:24,49 --> 00:40:29,46 number for review and approve the selection of the engineering and salt for 467 00:40:29,47 --> 00:40:34,55 engineering design services for the reconstruction of East Grand Avenue point third 468 00:40:34,56 --> 00:40:39,62 Street itself and its beats Engineering Department recommends the selection of 469 00:40:39,63 --> 00:40:45,22 spanned associates for engineering design surface service second choices M.S.A. 470 00:40:45,23 --> 00:40:50,14 Professional services where there's associates that there. Is a motion 471 00:40:50,15 --> 00:40:54,64 a second step through strand associates for engineering design services but the 472 00:40:54,65 --> 00:40:56,09 second choice being M.S.A. 473 00:40:56,10 --> 00:41:03,10 Professional services and irresistible if. That motion carried it in Number Five 474 00:41:03,90 --> 00:41:08,95 resolution for sanitary and water leaves urban gotter sidewalks permanent streets 475 00:41:08,96 --> 00:41:14,14 surfacing and concrete driveway approaches on Seventh Avenue Northwest Harrison 476 00:41:14,15 --> 00:41:16,68 Street in high street there is a motion 477 00:41:16,69 --> 00:41:23,15 a second that through the following resolution carried the revolution. Is included 478 00:41:23,16 --> 00:41:28,75 in the package the minutes. I am Number six. In 479 00:41:28,76 --> 00:41:33,81 a resolution for sanitary and water leads urban gutter sidewalk permanent street 480 00:41:33,82 --> 00:41:38,49 surfacing and five three driveway approaches on High Street between seventh Avenue 481 00:41:38,50 --> 00:41:41,32 and north and count that even though there is 482 00:41:41,33 --> 00:41:45,95 a motion of second five prove the following and the. Solution in the motion carried 483 00:41:45,96 --> 00:41:50,48 in getting that resolution is included in their packet of minutes 484 00:41:53,52 --> 00:41:56,04 I did Number seven dedicate 485 00:41:56,05 --> 00:42:00,56 a city on property for street purposes as an addition for the high street right of 486 00:42:00,57 --> 00:42:05,45 way if that were north and ninth Avenue north there is a motion 487 00:42:05,46 --> 00:42:10,24 a second have city staff contact property owners to determine if they would want 488 00:42:10,25 --> 00:42:15,78 this video and property added to their property at no cost to them and if not have 489 00:42:15,79 --> 00:42:21,02 City own property added to the high speed rate of Item eight was reviewed the 490 00:42:21,03 --> 00:42:26,23 proposed twenty fifteen public works construction budget and he reviewed the budget 491 00:42:27,23 --> 00:42:32,31 item nine reviewed the proposed twenty four thousand public works projects. Meeting 492 00:42:32,32 --> 00:42:38,79 reviewed. That's the twenty four fourteen schedule item ten review of the referral 493 00:42:38,80 --> 00:42:41,53 list that if you do a for 494 00:42:41,54 --> 00:42:46,51 a list item number thirty nine from twenty four well and sixteen from twenty four 495 00:42:47,14 --> 00:42:51,55 would be removed item eleven with motion a second through 496 00:42:51,56 --> 00:42:55,87 a journal if you carried the meeting adjourned at five thirty seven PM and that 497 00:42:55,88 --> 00:42:58,46 your honor and you forgot to give 498 00:42:58,47 --> 00:43:01,89 a motion to approve the report by all of us in Rome and second the biker Patrick 499 00:43:02,12 --> 00:43:06,64 move into discussion anyone to speak of the person Patrick please think your 500 00:43:07,03 --> 00:43:13,95 question for. You. Regarding item seven did we hear any responses back from those 501 00:43:13,96 --> 00:43:18,71 interested parties I was waiting telecoms will see if this path calls hold all 502 00:43:18,72 --> 00:43:25,69 conference start contacting them tomorrow Understood thank you there are any 503 00:43:25,70 --> 00:43:30,96 other wishes or requests to speak. The gentleman here representing strand the So C. 504 00:43:30,97 --> 00:43:35,71 It's on public works item related to I think it was late in the birth. Number three 505 00:43:36,34 --> 00:43:41,66 any further discussion thanks for being here obviously you know what else wishing 506 00:43:41,67 --> 00:43:46,95 to speak seen none move in to vote Please cast your ballot 507 00:43:52,33 --> 00:43:59,03 motion carried it is your only move into item number eleven on our agenda this 508 00:43:59,04 --> 00:44:00,97 evening under miscellaneous reports item 509 00:44:00,98 --> 00:44:04,05 a housing authority held at number twenty four Item B. 510 00:44:04,06 --> 00:44:07,93 The Industrial Development Commission held October thirtieth item C. 511 00:44:07,94 --> 00:44:12,79 Macmillan lot more elaborate hell October fifteenth they see elaborate director is 512 00:44:12,80 --> 00:44:17,48 here Ron thanks for being here as well this evening item depletion fire commission 513 00:44:17,96 --> 00:44:23,19 held October eighth item each park in recognition held over twenty nine Wastewater 514 00:44:23,20 --> 00:44:27,83 Treatment Commission held Nov fifth item the Wisconsin Rapids fire department month 515 00:44:27,84 --> 00:44:31,91 the organizational summary for October item eight the Wisconsin Rapids Police 516 00:44:31,92 --> 00:44:36,47 Department monthly report for October item waterworks and lighting commission how 517 00:44:36,55 --> 00:44:40,39 October eighth the regular meeting and there were 518 00:44:40,40 --> 00:44:44,74 a finance committee Item j the July August and September quarterly report the 519 00:44:44,75 --> 00:44:49,36 Wisconsin Rapids Police Department item cadency treasures report on investments for 520 00:44:49,37 --> 00:44:52,11 October and item L. 521 00:44:52,40 --> 00:44:56,74 The committee the whole held October twentieth council members what are your wishes 522 00:44:56,75 --> 00:44:57,96 regarding those reports 523 00:45:06,09 --> 00:45:11,16 move to approve. The motion of motion by Kirkpatrick second by real. 524 00:45:13,32 --> 00:45:19,96 Need your button would mind please motion in 525 00:45:19,97 --> 00:45:25,18 a second move into discussion 526 00:45:27,11 --> 00:45:32,82 anyone wishing to speak. Or request to speak on that I did have a request from 527 00:45:32,83 --> 00:45:38,09 a citizen to highlight items from the park and wreck commission meeting minutes in 528 00:45:38,10 --> 00:45:39,99 which this past month there was 529 00:45:40,00 --> 00:45:45,61 a request for some of the water field tennis courts something that residents were 530 00:45:45,68 --> 00:45:49,97 passionate and interested in and refurbishing and refreshing the wood or field 531 00:45:49,98 --> 00:45:55,23 tennis court so that project has begun it will be finished in the spring to improve 532 00:45:55,24 --> 00:45:58,45 the forecourts that were field in which there was actually 533 00:45:58,46 --> 00:46:01,12 a cash donation from the friends of tennis group so 534 00:46:01,13 --> 00:46:06,65 a nice collaborative between. Group in the community as well as the remaining of 535 00:46:06,66 --> 00:46:12,04 the remaining funds coming from Park outlay there was also discussion and action 536 00:46:12,05 --> 00:46:18,61 actually by the Commission on the sculpture park to prove general guidelines and 537 00:46:18,62 --> 00:46:24,19 agreement with revisions yet to be made by the city attorney as discussed as well 538 00:46:24,20 --> 00:46:28,26 as improvements to the zoo parking lot anyone that's tried to park at the zoo as it 539 00:46:28,45 --> 00:46:33,53 discovered some challenges there in months of those improvements are also going to 540 00:46:33,54 --> 00:46:37,43 be made so that was at the request of the residents are to highlight some of the 541 00:46:37,44 --> 00:46:42,26 items from the park in recognition that entertain other discussion items or 542 00:46:42,73 --> 00:46:47,34 requests to speak seeing none moving to vote please Guster ballots 543 00:46:52,41 --> 00:46:58,06 motion carried it isn't there when the. Item number twelve is items for new 544 00:46:58,07 --> 00:47:00,77 business at the December sixteenth Council item A is 545 00:47:00,78 --> 00:47:04,26 a discussion regarding restructuring of the finance treasurer and Public Works 546 00:47:04,27 --> 00:47:07,69 Department and item be under item twelve is 547 00:47:07,70 --> 00:47:11,18 a charter ordinance abolishing the city the office of the city treasurer as an 548 00:47:11,19 --> 00:47:14,67 elected position and further providing this that the statutory duties of the 549 00:47:14,68 --> 00:47:20,76 Treasurer be performed by the finance director item thirteen under ordinances item 550 00:47:20,77 --> 00:47:21,12 A is 551 00:47:21,13 --> 00:47:25,51 a sewer regulation ordinance amending rate determination as recommended by the wastewater 552 00:47:25,52 --> 00:47:31,15 treatment commission at their Nov fifth meeting C accounts C Council attachment to 553 00:47:31,15 --> 00:47:37,01 . Council members what are your wishes regarding that ordinance. 554 00:47:48,75 --> 00:47:49,08 We've got 555 00:47:49,09 --> 00:47:53,02 a motion to approve by all the person railways are second second by all the person 556 00:47:53,03 --> 00:47:57,48 Dolan he would mind he'd near but thank you 557 00:48:00,06 --> 00:48:05,39 move into discussion on the person for Patrick please thank you Mr Tonight's look 558 00:48:05,40 --> 00:48:08,75 you might be able to cut off your rundown of where this came from. 559 00:48:15,53 --> 00:48:22,08 The first or the original ordinance that we rolled. Really pertain just 560 00:48:22,09 --> 00:48:28,14 to our industrial service or just industrial users so that rate was tied to their 561 00:48:28,15 --> 00:48:34,92 strength of waste recently we've had gone from different dollars 562 00:48:35,64 --> 00:48:40,61 from outside come in and bring us high strength waste Well the way this is written 563 00:48:40,62 --> 00:48:46,70 we did have to charge in that high rate and you know it's not really fair to them 564 00:48:47,42 --> 00:48:53,10 because it's there the strength of their waste is less significantly in some 565 00:48:53,11 --> 00:48:59,27 instances so I would you know we I wanted to rewrite this so that when they come in 566 00:48:59,28 --> 00:49:03,32 we can test the strength of their waste and charge him accordingly so that they'll 567 00:49:03,33 --> 00:49:08,76 come back because they want to we don't change this and we want the high strength 568 00:49:08,77 --> 00:49:15,02 waste because it produces methane gas so I understand correctly this was previously 569 00:49:15,03 --> 00:49:21,81 based upon volume. The waste itself knowledge and just the 570 00:49:21,82 --> 00:49:28,73 opposite. OK You know we did I guess we just never thought 571 00:49:28,74 --> 00:49:33,52 about the fact that you know there could be other people coming in and and bringing 572 00:49:33,53 --> 00:49:39,40 us high strength waste and we were just concentrated on our industrial users that 573 00:49:39,97 --> 00:49:45,28 are within the city right now and there's the strength of their waste is very high 574 00:49:45,29 --> 00:49:50,91 when they bring the stuff that comes from other other places lower Sol you charge 575 00:49:50,92 --> 00:49:55,37 and by that you know the strength of their waste. And if we didn't if we don't have 576 00:49:55,38 --> 00:50:00,55 a mechanism for charging the right by the ordinance I couldn't just say we're going 577 00:50:00,56 --> 00:50:04,70 to charge less it was going to do that that's why I'm asking for this language 578 00:50:04,71 --> 00:50:09,78 change understood that you're looking for equity for our customers at the 579 00:50:09,79 --> 00:50:11,22 wastewater treatment plant was 580 00:50:11,26 --> 00:50:16,52 a good thing for your customers well. And the other discussion on the ordnance 581 00:50:16,53 --> 00:50:21,89 other person stack please just click on acronyms you know what T.L.A. 582 00:50:21,90 --> 00:50:28,01 Is right three letter acronym for three author acronyms. And what is. 583 00:50:30,38 --> 00:50:36,53 In your report or in your ordinance requests probably on cruel treatment works OK 584 00:50:36,58 --> 00:50:41,52 Thank you thanks Jim for your insight and for 585 00:50:41,53 --> 00:50:46,48 a little bit of comic relief take it or see in the waste water report any other 586 00:50:46,68 --> 00:50:50,44 discussion regarding the ordinance before the body this evening say none Please 587 00:50:50,45 --> 00:50:57,39 cast your balance bushing carried them 588 00:50:57,40 --> 00:51:00,29 through an item number twelve item B. 589 00:51:00,30 --> 00:51:00,54 Isn't 590 00:51:00,58 --> 00:51:05,25 a charge or ordinance abolishing I'm sorry I remember thirteen I'm stuck behind 591 00:51:05,26 --> 00:51:05,67 myself 592 00:51:06,08 --> 00:51:09,39 a second reading out of an ordinance regarding social hosting which is council 593 00:51:09,40 --> 00:51:14,05 attachment number three in your council packets we save the front row for you this 594 00:51:14,06 --> 00:51:18,96 evening so I'm glad that it's decided to fill out thank you for being here council 595 00:51:18,97 --> 00:51:24,26 members what are your wishes regarding the. Other Person colored please 596 00:51:30,46 --> 00:51:36,60 I feel strongly about this ordinance. I appreciate it common council in their 597 00:51:36,61 --> 00:51:41,57 comments that they made last month I think it reflects the community in 598 00:51:41,58 --> 00:51:47,92 a wide span attitude that might be in the community. But when I look at if we talk 599 00:51:47,93 --> 00:51:52,73 about the past then we can editorialize about what parents should or shouldn't be 600 00:51:52,74 --> 00:51:58,50 doing the reality is. Under age drinking is 601 00:51:58,51 --> 00:52:04,52 a problem in the state of Wisconsin Rapids is not unique and it gets really 602 00:52:04,53 --> 00:52:09,92 admirable and I have to commend the young people here saying that they're not going 603 00:52:09,93 --> 00:52:16,31 to accept that they want to get all the Common Council to do something about it and 604 00:52:16,32 --> 00:52:21,07 so I commend you for doing this. I look. 605 00:52:23,34 --> 00:52:30,21 AT I was looking at what it was not and what it is and it really does not interfere 606 00:52:30,22 --> 00:52:36,02 with solid but Tory events in Wisconsin Rapids such as weddings and if you look at 607 00:52:36,06 --> 00:52:42,20 statement number twenty three seventeen I think it is. For a B. 608 00:52:42,90 --> 00:52:49,21 It has nothing to do with cell but Tory advance that may take place but I was 609 00:52:49,22 --> 00:52:54,09 thinking of all the things that it does do and I thought of five reasons why we 610 00:52:54,10 --> 00:52:58,55 should pass first of all. I think it's 611 00:52:58,56 --> 00:53:03,77 a tool for law enforcement reduce under-age drinking and they have to have those 612 00:53:03,78 --> 00:53:10,22 tools. But hopefully to prevent a serious injury and. God forbid 613 00:53:10,23 --> 00:53:17,16 a retailer Number two it discourages young people young 614 00:53:17,17 --> 00:53:22,98 adults that are twenty Juan and twenty two from hosting parties of under-age 615 00:53:23,83 --> 00:53:28,22 students and that's you know last month he talked about is there 616 00:53:28,23 --> 00:53:32,44 a study with regard to this and in my readings I can find 617 00:53:32,45 --> 00:53:37,50 a study. But they found that in college towns when they implement such an ordinance 618 00:53:38,00 --> 00:53:38,49 that there was 619 00:53:38,50 --> 00:53:45,81 a reduction in injuries of students that were drinking under age or fatalities 620 00:53:45,86 --> 00:53:49,88 now there might I assume that's a correlation now is it 621 00:53:49,89 --> 00:53:55,22 a study can you prove it no but I believe that makes it all make it the 622 00:53:59,85 --> 00:54:05,87 number three when the health departments schools and law enforcement inform parents 623 00:54:06,06 --> 00:54:08,88 of the ordinance I think it's 624 00:54:08,89 --> 00:54:14,37 a catalyst to begin that this question at home. Sometimes it just doesn't take 625 00:54:14,52 --> 00:54:16,58 place and I think this would be 626 00:54:16,59 --> 00:54:23,29 a catalyst to talk about under-age drinking number four often 627 00:54:23,34 --> 00:54:28,30 children and I can experience this with four daughters they put pressure on the 628 00:54:28,31 --> 00:54:33,68 parents that have these parties because their friends are having those parties and 629 00:54:33,69 --> 00:54:40,01 if it is one thing that can help parents prevent that I'm all for it so that is the 630 00:54:40,02 --> 00:54:46,69 pressure that parents. And I guess the last one is the peer pressure 631 00:54:47,05 --> 00:54:49,53 that young people have today they have 632 00:54:49,54 --> 00:54:56,36 a tremendous amount of peer pressure on many topics and often their friends will 633 00:54:56,41 --> 00:55:03,03 tell him to participate why can't we do it your house well they can save face. With 634 00:55:03,04 --> 00:55:09,50 their peers and prevent it I'm all in favor but I look at the bottom line 635 00:55:10,37 --> 00:55:17,26 if this ordinance can prevent one serious accident and the ones that they ality of 636 00:55:17,27 --> 00:55:23,53 someone who's under age drinking and that fatality may not be that under age drink 637 00:55:23,55 --> 00:55:29,83 or it could be one of us our family members or any member in the community and so 638 00:55:30,12 --> 00:55:35,45 I'm strongly in favor in urge all of us in fact I would urge us to pass it 639 00:55:35,49 --> 00:55:37,24 unanimously and send 640 00:55:37,24 --> 00:55:42,82 a message. That under-age drinking is not acceptable in Wisconsin writes 641 00:55:46,83 --> 00:55:53,75 Thank you all the person stack Thank you Your Honor. I'm looking at 642 00:55:54,13 --> 00:56:01,02 in the ordinance twenty three point seventeen Heron five. I'd like to know 643 00:56:01,03 --> 00:56:07,66 how the forfeiture would be set up such that it says in the ordinance 644 00:56:07,83 --> 00:56:12,96 not less than one thousand dollars students understand what 645 00:56:12,97 --> 00:56:14,15 a thousand dollars is to 646 00:56:14,16 --> 00:56:19,66 a working family at this time those families that are struggling sometimes and that 647 00:56:20,13 --> 00:56:27,02 doesn't need to be one thousand dollars or can it be five hundred because I 648 00:56:27,03 --> 00:56:31,25 won't vote for a thousand dollars I'm not going to. Somebody makes 649 00:56:31,26 --> 00:56:33,58 a small mistake at home when they're all of a sudden they've got 650 00:56:33,59 --> 00:56:39,35 a thousand dollar bill in front of them to attorney feel if the ordinance states 651 00:56:39,47 --> 00:56:45,12 that the forfeiture is not less than one thousand dollars does that mean the first 652 00:56:45,13 --> 00:56:50,68 level is one thousand dollars plus any court charges that may occur or with the 653 00:56:51,30 --> 00:56:51,94 since this is 654 00:56:51,95 --> 00:56:59,37 a municipal ordinance. With the Municipal Court have an option to choose 655 00:56:59,38 --> 00:57:06,07 a different level of forfeiture there is there is some flexibility the the 656 00:57:06,08 --> 00:57:08,31 original ticket is probably going to be written for 657 00:57:08,32 --> 00:57:13,05 a thousand dollars that's because that's what the ordinance provides. There could 658 00:57:13,06 --> 00:57:19,10 be some negotiation in terms of the disposition of it it's common that fines are 659 00:57:19,23 --> 00:57:25,69 reduced. But I think in you had sent me an e-mail about this earlier why 660 00:57:25,70 --> 00:57:31,85 a thousand dollars and I guess. Just kind of scanning all of the ordinances in the 661 00:57:31,86 --> 00:57:38,75 state. It's probably on the high end you know some of them had probably one 662 00:57:38,76 --> 00:57:45,73 hundred five hundred. And I guess you know the what I was reading is that people 663 00:57:45,74 --> 00:57:52,28 want to distress the seriousness of this and but it's certainly you know if if 664 00:57:52,29 --> 00:57:57,42 someone wants to amend that amount that you know we can certainly do that today if 665 00:57:57,69 --> 00:58:02,29 if there's enough votes to to do that but the thousand is I don't want to say it's 666 00:58:02,30 --> 00:58:08,97 arbitrary but I would say it's in line I would say with with probably about 667 00:58:09,68 --> 00:58:16,37 a third to half of the cities that I've looked at. But definitely you know most 668 00:58:16,69 --> 00:58:21,43 most of the of the most of the others are would be lower and I don't know if 669 00:58:21,44 --> 00:58:26,95 there's any there might be one that's two thousand dollars. But I think you know 670 00:58:27,54 --> 00:58:33,59 you just have to look at the message you're you're sending or. You know I think 671 00:58:33,60 --> 00:58:38,50 that's why the thinking was for the higher amount as I said it is somewhat 672 00:58:38,51 --> 00:58:44,41 negotiable in the disposition of the charge right thank you and then when you're 673 00:58:44,42 --> 00:58:44,88 faced with 674 00:58:44,89 --> 00:58:49,10 a forfeit you're in court and before her chair was one thousand dollars you would 675 00:58:49,11 --> 00:58:55,22 be some of the roll ups so she would have perhaps the court costs I'll say in this 676 00:58:55,23 --> 00:58:56,12 perhaps you hired 677 00:58:56,13 --> 00:59:02,49 a lawyer to defend yourself. Could get kind of pricey depending on the situation 678 00:59:02,81 --> 00:59:09,58 and the individuals to the who is the spokesperson for the group tonight who wants 679 00:59:09,59 --> 00:59:15,78 to get up in front of my ways. Chris please come to the podium and introduce 680 00:59:15,79 --> 00:59:20,96 yourself and to the microphones on Christiania only the twenty four eleven fifty 681 00:59:20,97 --> 00:59:22,98 fourth Street self in Wisconsin Rapids I'm 682 00:59:22,99 --> 00:59:28,08 a school counselor I guess after last month's discussion and. A lot of things Mr 683 00:59:28,09 --> 00:59:31,99 Kellogg that you pointed out are are right on to what I wanted to address tonight 684 00:59:32,31 --> 00:59:34,79 being a school counselor I hear directly from 685 00:59:34,80 --> 00:59:38,42 a lot of students there are certain families there are certain adults in the 686 00:59:38,43 --> 00:59:43,24 community that allow students to come over and drink allow them to go to the back 687 00:59:43,25 --> 00:59:48,43 forty and drink or whatever it is and the parents don't really supervise that the 688 00:59:48,44 --> 00:59:51,93 kids all know who those families are and those parents are and it's quite common 689 00:59:52,56 --> 00:59:54,58 and I think you bring up 690 00:59:54,59 --> 01:00:00,60 a good point where kids they don't have the rational the thinking to decide if this 691 01:00:00,61 --> 01:00:00,75 is 692 01:00:00,76 --> 01:00:04,28 a safe thing for me or not to them it's this is cool I got invited to this and they 693 01:00:04,29 --> 01:00:09,51 go without thinking and. On all your points Mr Kellogg are right if that can save 694 01:00:09,52 --> 01:00:13,79 one life of if that can save someone from going out there drinking to participate 695 01:00:13,80 --> 01:00:17,91 in that it's worth it I have had adults tell me that they feel pressured to bring 696 01:00:17,92 --> 01:00:22,62 up another point at graduation parties they have to have their or their sons or 697 01:00:22,82 --> 01:00:25,72 friends of their kids drinking at that party because everyone else does that or 698 01:00:25,73 --> 01:00:29,21 other parties do that and since last month I've talked to 699 01:00:29,22 --> 01:00:32,94 a couple of those adults that have had the schools that to me over the years and I 700 01:00:32,95 --> 01:00:36,53 said wonder if you had some sort of ordinance that said you could and I used the 701 01:00:36,59 --> 01:00:39,54 high five thousand dollars one of you could get 702 01:00:39,55 --> 01:00:42,72 a five thousand dollars fine for hosting this and they said I would love to been 703 01:00:42,73 --> 01:00:45,61 able to say that to my son or daughter that no way I'm not taking 704 01:00:45,62 --> 01:00:49,98 a chance on this because look what I can get out of this they need some teeth they 705 01:00:49,99 --> 01:00:53,46 need something because of the pressure they feel from their kids and I realize the 706 01:00:53,47 --> 01:00:57,25 delta should be able to say that and draw the line but it's more difficult than 707 01:00:57,78 --> 01:01:03,36 than they anticipated so I think those are some of the things that I hear it often 708 01:01:03,40 --> 01:01:07,39 in that thirteen to seventeen age group I hear about it often I'm told that 709 01:01:07,40 --> 01:01:09,83 information this is exactly why we need some 710 01:01:09,87 --> 01:01:16,02 a social host ordinance for those reasons you. Does the group. 711 01:01:17,15 --> 01:01:17,95 When you came with 712 01:01:17,96 --> 01:01:21,31 a thousand dollars was that based on your reading of other ordinance and other 713 01:01:21,32 --> 01:01:26,84 communities in the area. We we in the research some of his to know Marshfield was I 714 01:01:26,85 --> 01:01:30,70 believe they all had similar starting at that thousand dollar level and I believe 715 01:01:30,71 --> 01:01:33,93 you have to make it something that's worthwhile that's going to make people think 716 01:01:33,97 --> 01:01:38,85 is that worth posting this is it worth doing this and did you take in their lives 717 01:01:39,00 --> 01:01:44,89 or their consideration of those smaller to fifty five hundred I think we realize of 718 01:01:44,90 --> 01:01:46,44 course a thousand not to be hit with 719 01:01:46,45 --> 01:01:50,30 a thousand dollar fine for something like this is just going to throw some families 720 01:01:51,17 --> 01:01:55,10 out of left field I agree you are going to stand I agree I think it that's exact 721 01:01:55,11 --> 01:01:59,06 reason why some family should think about should I do this and do you understand 722 01:01:59,08 --> 01:02:02,63 all that's sometimes these things might take place without the parents' knowledge 723 01:02:02,65 --> 01:02:06,56 even Corrado that was discussed last time that if it's that of the knowledge of the 724 01:02:07,27 --> 01:02:11,78 the family and the police officers would do an investigation on that to find out if 725 01:02:11,79 --> 01:02:15,97 they were aware of that or not so I trust the law in that case that it will be done 726 01:02:15,99 --> 01:02:21,44 the right way. Yes All right thank you I still in of 727 01:02:21,45 --> 01:02:27,14 a motion on the floor of the person next to speak and see man Couso in the audience 728 01:02:27,15 --> 01:02:27,80 and I think as 729 01:02:27,81 --> 01:02:31,81 a former high school principal I think that like they have to make some comments 730 01:02:31,82 --> 01:02:35,88 with regard to experiences that he might have had very insane said he had 731 01:02:43,51 --> 01:02:49,00 Thank you Mr Kellogg thank you for all our mutual offer just a few comments as 732 01:02:49,01 --> 01:02:53,38 a community member and former parent as well as 733 01:02:53,39 --> 01:02:58,87 a former high school principal for nearly thirty years in two different schools in 734 01:02:58,88 --> 01:03:05,08 the area I am supportive of this social hosting ordinance. 735 01:03:07,08 --> 01:03:13,49 I have probably far too many stories to relate to you investigating parties of 736 01:03:13,50 --> 01:03:19,05 underage drinking throughout the years. It takes an awful lot of time to do that in 737 01:03:19,06 --> 01:03:26,05 the schoolhouse. And I would also echo the comments made by Mr Bundy Ollie as well 738 01:03:26,06 --> 01:03:31,56 as Mr Kellogg that oftentimes students are in situations that frankly could have 739 01:03:31,57 --> 01:03:36,63 been prevented and I think this is one tool that could certainly conceivably 740 01:03:37,25 --> 01:03:41,41 prevent these kinds of things from happening on 741 01:03:41,42 --> 01:03:46,76 a tragic note as well I've had an opportunity to unfortunately be 742 01:03:46,77 --> 01:03:53,60 a part of funerals. In which students have been killed 743 01:03:53,69 --> 01:04:00,19 after participating in parties that weren't supervised by adults and were 744 01:04:00,20 --> 01:04:04,51 violating the law and in fact I had to do you a G.'s at 745 01:04:04,52 --> 01:04:11,28 a couple of those as well it's not easy to do I know the fine sounds quite 746 01:04:11,29 --> 01:04:14,31 high however it also gives the schools 747 01:04:14,32 --> 01:04:21,09 a tool to educate parents at orientations at family meetings and at parent meetings 748 01:04:21,41 --> 01:04:27,26 with parents and I think I think this is long overdue and had I been 749 01:04:27,27 --> 01:04:32,97 a high school principal several years ago I wish I would have had students like the 750 01:04:32,98 --> 01:04:38,83 ones that are before you that are concerned about their peers and want to do 751 01:04:38,84 --> 01:04:43,62 something about it what these students are doing is extremely courageous they're 752 01:04:43,63 --> 01:04:49,07 standing up and getting engaged in the process and I think all of us need to 753 01:04:49,08 --> 01:04:54,75 appreciate that and also for the opportunity that you've given them to to ask 754 01:04:54,76 --> 01:04:59,79 questions and rightly so Mr Stack asking some tough questions I think that's good 755 01:04:59,80 --> 01:05:05,55 for them to experience as well at the same time I think we should all embrace them 756 01:05:06,33 --> 01:05:10,31 and really appreciate their efforts I also would like to just offer 757 01:05:10,32 --> 01:05:14,00 a comment. Because I'm participating tonight as 758 01:05:14,01 --> 01:05:20,25 a community member I also applaud the council for having 759 01:05:21,23 --> 01:05:27,14 especially in the subcommittees opportunities for people to engage much like this I 760 01:05:27,38 --> 01:05:32,75 realize tonight too that we can speak on behalf of items that are on the agenda 761 01:05:32,76 --> 01:05:39,40 item so I appreciate any kind of activity that you do as Council members to 762 01:05:39,53 --> 01:05:45,43 solicit that kind of discussion so I think on behalf of residents and people that 763 01:05:45,44 --> 01:05:50,67 are concerned I'm speaking I guess for them to. To continue those efforts to be 764 01:05:50,68 --> 01:05:56,04 heard but again I want to close by indicating to you that I support this strongly I 765 01:05:56,05 --> 01:06:02,16 appreciate what these kids are doing and I think they should be again applauded and 766 01:06:02,17 --> 01:06:07,67 recognize So thank you I'll learn twenty questions by anyone but just from my lens 767 01:06:07,68 --> 01:06:10,44 of thirty years in the chair we do have 768 01:06:10,45 --> 01:06:13,13 a speaking order Gus So if you just want to hang out we'll move to 769 01:06:13,14 --> 01:06:16,33 a speaking order if you want to wish to stay up there others have other questions 770 01:06:16,34 --> 01:06:19,91 of the person feel like it's still your moment OK and hold 771 01:06:19,92 --> 01:06:23,62 a person happier next thank you yeah I had 772 01:06:23,63 --> 01:06:29,53 a few people contact me on this ordinance and. Because 773 01:06:30,85 --> 01:06:35,10 there's if you read the ordinances of this ordinance and then you read other 774 01:06:35,10 --> 01:06:40,17 ordinances that are out there for social hosting. There's different things that can 775 01:06:40,19 --> 01:06:46,34 be taken in and out of out of the ordinance and one of the questions was. Is this 776 01:06:46,39 --> 01:06:52,62 just for parents or is it anybody that's eighteen or older so if you have an 777 01:06:52,66 --> 01:06:57,47 eighteen year old or nineteen year old at your house and they have kids over and 778 01:06:57,48 --> 01:07:03,29 the parents aren't home is that eighteen nineteen twenty year old responsible for 779 01:07:03,30 --> 01:07:10,06 the fine and all this ordinance and how does that go on people's 780 01:07:10,07 --> 01:07:14,71 records you know doesn't really save in some of the ordinance it says that it 781 01:07:14,72 --> 01:07:20,57 doesn't go on your record where this goes I don't see where it said it does or 782 01:07:20,58 --> 01:07:24,72 doesn't. I can allow it to any show or as 783 01:07:24,73 --> 01:07:28,94 a police chief to entertain maybe answers to those quest that question in light of 784 01:07:29,12 --> 01:07:35,46 going in the right it would be any person that holds it could be conceivably it 785 01:07:35,47 --> 01:07:38,23 could be a under-age person reading person else or having 786 01:07:39,21 --> 01:07:44,13 a right but but generally if there's someone in control of that because I'm sure 787 01:07:44,14 --> 01:07:49,85 the underage person does not own the home or the land or isn't renting so you know 788 01:07:49,86 --> 01:07:55,34 there might be another layer that the that the parent knew and it just as concerns 789 01:07:55,35 --> 01:08:01,57 of your parent parent isn't here for purposes of. Making the point that an underage 790 01:08:01,58 --> 01:08:07,34 person can drink with their parent that's why that's defined but I think otherwise 791 01:08:07,35 --> 01:08:09,91 it's just person a person who hosts or 792 01:08:09,92 --> 01:08:16,74 a person who knows and that was one of the questions that person brought up if 793 01:08:16,75 --> 01:08:23,69 I'm out of town and somebody between eighteen and 794 01:08:23,70 --> 01:08:24,78 less than twenty one has 795 01:08:24,79 --> 01:08:31,07 a party whose response was It was the responsible party Yes 796 01:08:31,85 --> 01:08:37,95 and it doesn't say that it could be any Well it could be any person who hosts which 797 01:08:37,96 --> 01:08:44,85 would mean to. Host or allow an event or gathering at any residence premises or 798 01:08:44,86 --> 01:08:47,32 any other private or public property where I'll call 799 01:08:47,33 --> 01:08:52,20 a club averages are present when the person knows and under patient underage person 800 01:08:52,21 --> 01:08:59,15 Willard's of consume so it you could conceivably have more than one host 801 01:08:59,16 --> 01:09:05,99 I guess if the. But I think the main thing is that it's you're probably not in the 802 01:09:05,100 --> 01:09:12,66 situation where we're trying to. Necessarily get under-aged other 803 01:09:12,67 --> 01:09:15,45 under-aged person this is probably more 804 01:09:15,45 --> 01:09:22,28 a an adult. That doing the hosting. But OK I guess maybe i'm 805 01:09:22,29 --> 01:09:28,82 not understand your question I understand but it's just that when. They read this 806 01:09:29,72 --> 01:09:35,01 parent right pretty much throughout this whole thing yeah I don't see that I see 807 01:09:35,03 --> 01:09:38,25 person everywhere except where it defines 808 01:09:38,25 --> 01:09:43,87 a parent in the for in the reason that that's there is to to give you the exception 809 01:09:43,89 --> 01:09:48,51 of that an underage person can maybe drink with their parent Yeah so maybe it 810 01:09:48,51 --> 01:09:54,97 should have been here somewhere anybody over the age of eighteen just 811 01:09:55,66 --> 01:10:02,41 so people know I mean well. I mean I guess it says person and I think person is 812 01:10:02,42 --> 01:10:09,31 defined as. It could be an underage person. And. 813 01:10:11,69 --> 01:10:17,51 Then there are question to was. How is it going to be monitored is it just stories 814 01:10:17,55 --> 01:10:18,57 or is it actually 815 01:10:20,47 --> 01:10:27,30 a party that has to be broken up going to be after the fact well 816 01:10:27,31 --> 01:10:30,59 actually could be either I mean we start police investigations in 817 01:10:30,60 --> 01:10:35,29 a number of different forms and fashion some is when we get called specifically 818 01:10:35,30 --> 01:10:39,20 that there may be some type of activity going on and we'll respond to that location 819 01:10:39,42 --> 01:10:44,50 and begin an investigation. You know certainly and I reached out to my peers at 820 01:10:44,55 --> 01:10:49,97 Wausau and Marshall and got feedback on their use of the ordinance and the impact 821 01:10:49,98 --> 01:10:54,24 it's had over the past two years I know they've conducted investigations based on 822 01:10:54,25 --> 01:10:58,85 what's been seen in social media so they could be in any number of ways an 823 01:10:58,86 --> 01:11:03,56 investigation could start and then it's our burden to do the fact finding to figure 824 01:11:03,57 --> 01:11:08,69 out and be able to find that to bring forward what decision is made is it simply 825 01:11:08,70 --> 01:11:13,59 a you know furnishing order or are we into a social wholes situation so there's 826 01:11:13,60 --> 01:11:15,73 a number of different tracks that investigation the. 827 01:11:21,01 --> 01:11:25,54 Other Person Kirkpatrick or next please thank you there's been 828 01:11:25,56 --> 01:11:30,65 a lot of really good comments Mr Kellogg your comments I think spot on the 829 01:11:30,67 --> 01:11:37,55 councilors comments spot on in this race who is oh. You 830 01:11:37,56 --> 01:11:44,12 know I appreciate. The financial concern that you bring up 831 01:11:44,55 --> 01:11:47,10 Jim. You know a thousand dollars is 832 01:11:47,11 --> 01:11:52,76 a lot to bite off and. You know it comes down to the idea of 833 01:11:56,26 --> 01:12:01,66 is this really should this be necessary no this shouldn't be this 834 01:12:03,11 --> 01:12:08,83 any responsible parent should look at this and say I'm not allowing that to take 835 01:12:08,84 --> 01:12:13,83 place that's against the law that's against my ethics my morals whatever the case 836 01:12:13,84 --> 01:12:20,57 may be but you know I think we're kidding ourselves if we believe 837 01:12:20,58 --> 01:12:26,57 that there's that many people out there that really are going to 838 01:12:27,37 --> 01:12:30,51 stand up and say you know I'm not going to allow that well I did that when I was 839 01:12:31,83 --> 01:12:35,31 you know what what's what's wrong you know I mean we did that one and you know back 840 01:12:35,31 --> 01:12:38,77 in the sixty's and seventy's we did it well whatever you know if my kid want to do 841 01:12:38,78 --> 01:12:44,05 it my nephew wants to do it I don't care that's fine. It's 842 01:12:44,06 --> 01:12:50,34 a huge shift in in culture and perception and we're kind of at at the cusp of that 843 01:12:50,42 --> 01:12:57,08 taking place right now. You know it for the students who are bringing this 844 01:12:57,09 --> 01:13:04,06 forward I don't know who it was that said the word courageous but I mean I we all 845 01:13:04,07 --> 01:13:07,16 remember high school to one degree or another and I know it was 846 01:13:07,35 --> 01:13:14,25 a huge slap to the ego you know if you did something that bucked what your friends 847 01:13:14,26 --> 01:13:19,39 and peers were doing I mean I'm sure that not one of you hasn't walked on the 848 01:13:19,40 --> 01:13:23,81 hallway and had somebody mutter something about you so and so do you know what are 849 01:13:23,82 --> 01:13:28,19 you trying to do take in this rite of passage away from me you know so I realize 850 01:13:28,20 --> 01:13:28,82 you're catching 851 01:13:28,83 --> 01:13:33,66 a lot of flak from your even your friends. You know not even to mention the people 852 01:13:33,67 --> 01:13:37,95 that you don't know who are going to say whatever they want to so it seriously you 853 01:13:37,96 --> 01:13:43,78 know hats off to you. For having the courage to stand up you know not just to you 854 01:13:43,79 --> 01:13:48,25 know come down here and speak to us but to go to school every single day and face 855 01:13:48,26 --> 01:13:54,73 that. The thousand dollars I think is appropriate because it 856 01:13:54,74 --> 01:13:59,40 gives that backbone incentive to the parents. 857 01:14:01,62 --> 01:14:06,52 Or to the legal guardian or to the older brother or the older sister to say no I 858 01:14:06,56 --> 01:14:07,21 I'm not going to lose 859 01:14:07,22 --> 01:14:10,54 a thousand dollars out of my pocket on something like that yeah I know it I know I 860 01:14:10,55 --> 01:14:14,79 got to do it but you know it now it's on me you know it's my responsibility and all 861 01:14:16,72 --> 01:14:22,14 if you diminish that dollar amount I think you're really going to lose 862 01:14:22,16 --> 01:14:27,46 a lot of the effectiveness of where this is coming from and just to point out three 863 01:14:27,48 --> 01:14:32,32 sections within the ordinance twenty three one seven parent to parent D. 864 01:14:33,61 --> 01:14:39,21 Which states and if you know please bear with me here host or allow host or allow 865 01:14:39,22 --> 01:14:44,65 means to aid conduct entertain organize supervise control control or permit 866 01:14:44,69 --> 01:14:49,58 a gathering or event and then down to twenty three seventeen PARENT three parent a 867 01:14:50,51 --> 01:14:56,17 a person is responsible for violating this section if the person intentionally AIDS 868 01:14:56,25 --> 01:15:01,86 advises hires counsels or conspires with or otherwise procures another to commit 869 01:15:01,87 --> 01:15:07,40 the prohibited act and impair section twenty three seventeen PARENT three Parent B. 870 01:15:08,31 --> 01:15:08,64 Reads 871 01:15:08,65 --> 01:15:12,19 a person who hosts an event or gathering does not have to be present at the event 872 01:15:12,20 --> 01:15:17,67 or gathering to be responsible and there's other you know so I think all of that 873 01:15:18,39 --> 01:15:24,70 points to who is liable in these situations whether it be a parent 874 01:15:24,71 --> 01:15:29,58 a legal guardian an under-age older brother who acquires it from Uncle Phil or 875 01:15:29,59 --> 01:15:33,33 whatever snakes it out of somebodies private stash. 876 01:15:36,27 --> 01:15:37,39 It's worded in such 877 01:15:37,40 --> 01:15:42,63 a way that we're able that the police department the department is able to define 878 01:15:43,02 --> 01:15:49,11 who is responsible or if the only person who's responsible is 879 01:15:49,99 --> 01:15:55,24 you know the seventeen year old or the eighteen year old student individual you 880 01:15:55,25 --> 01:16:01,41 know if the parents went out of town and. They said well you know I really don't 881 01:16:01,42 --> 01:16:05,52 care what the law says I'm going to host this thing myself I'm going to have my 882 01:16:05,53 --> 01:16:09,59 friends over and I'm just going to you know I know the combination or I can I can 883 01:16:09,60 --> 01:16:16,33 break into that I can get that you know alcohol out of there. Then it's not on the 884 01:16:16,34 --> 01:16:19,80 parent the parent said you know they told him we want 885 01:16:19,80 --> 01:16:25,07 a law that we don't allow that that's you know another burden is on the police 886 01:16:25,08 --> 01:16:29,28 department the authorities to determine who the responsible individual was and if 887 01:16:29,29 --> 01:16:36,09 the parents consistently said no I think then it shows right in here that 888 01:16:36,13 --> 01:16:41,84 the only liable individual is you know that seventeen year old son or daughter who 889 01:16:41,85 --> 01:16:44,04 decided to defy the law and 890 01:16:44,05 --> 01:16:48,51 a five What what their parents are legal guardian said before you know in their 891 01:16:48,52 --> 01:16:55,15 absence so I think everything is here and I think you know I understand that the 892 01:16:55,16 --> 01:16:56,79 thousand dollars that's that's 893 01:16:56,80 --> 01:17:00,94 a hard one to to grasp but I think that removing that or dropping that dollar 894 01:17:00,95 --> 01:17:06,53 amount down really takes away from from what everything says and and from what this 895 01:17:06,57 --> 01:17:13,36 is looking to accomplish and with the verbiage that's in there. I think it's still 896 01:17:13,36 --> 01:17:18,33 an appropriate amount and the only other question I have is I know I spoke with. 897 01:17:19,91 --> 01:17:23,23 One individual who is on 898 01:17:23,27 --> 01:17:29,33 a committee commission. Counsel whatever you want to call it in another community 899 01:17:29,82 --> 01:17:35,82 and they said that it was you know on their radar and it sounded like they were. In 900 01:17:35,83 --> 01:17:38,27 approval of it I haven't spoken with them in quite a while now it's been 901 01:17:38,28 --> 01:17:43,30 a couple weeks but. I guess I just kind of curious what the reaction has been from 902 01:17:43,31 --> 01:17:46,02 the from other surrounding communities because I know that you said that you were 903 01:17:46,03 --> 01:17:50,44 going to go out to these other places and say hey this is what this is what we're 904 01:17:50,45 --> 01:17:54,54 looking at and you get on board of the saw it I'd like to know the reaction from 905 01:17:54,58 --> 01:18:01,52 the surrounding areas because since my current. All right I'm going to share 906 01:18:01,53 --> 01:18:04,81 because they do definitely plan as you would heard from them 907 01:18:04,82 --> 01:18:10,30 a month ago. After addressing this organs for the city Wisconsin Rapids they were 908 01:18:10,31 --> 01:18:15,88 going to go to other surrounding communities jurisdictions and that work actually 909 01:18:15,89 --> 01:18:17,28 has begun in the CUSA has 910 01:18:17,29 --> 01:18:20,91 a social hole stored that's in place and they fought have been finding it very 911 01:18:20,92 --> 01:18:26,76 effective they've had to cite one time. Wausau police department my colleague there 912 01:18:26,77 --> 01:18:32,10 Jeff Hart Del shared with me and again to the point of the find the fine are 913 01:18:32,11 --> 01:18:32,67 clearly 914 01:18:32,68 --> 01:18:36,76 a deterrent compared to the previous method of sighting for furnishing and value 915 01:18:36,91 --> 01:18:42,47 paying the small fine meaning mom dad or perhaps have been son or daughter work it 916 01:18:42,48 --> 01:18:43,85 off but it was a small fine and 917 01:18:43,86 --> 01:18:48,59 a very small deterrent we have used social host ordinance probably twenty times so 918 01:18:48,60 --> 01:18:51,56 far again I believe it's very effective and serves as 919 01:18:51,57 --> 01:18:57,22 a deterrent that's that's why Chief of Police Jeffard Del. Marshall police 920 01:18:57,23 --> 01:19:03,73 department also has it in place. And similar comments to Jeff's their 921 01:19:03,74 --> 01:19:07,16 counsel. Early on as shared 922 01:19:07,17 --> 01:19:11,82 a month ago from council members some concerns over you know raiding the family 923 01:19:11,83 --> 01:19:16,62 party weddings graduations except not the case not the intent of the ordinance once 924 01:19:16,63 --> 01:19:20,91 they were able to get that fleshed out in part through at the Council level they've 925 01:19:20,92 --> 01:19:27,02 got it but it's been very it's been very good in Marshfield as well 926 01:19:27,81 --> 01:19:33,78 so police department is working through the village process with the social host 927 01:19:34,00 --> 01:19:39,48 and also Grand Rapids Police Department will be moving through that community Thank 928 01:19:39,49 --> 01:19:44,83 you Jim You're next but I'm going to go to another person don't because he hasn't 929 01:19:44,84 --> 01:19:50,26 spoken yet indeed and OK well 930 01:19:50,27 --> 01:19:54,26 a person don't please and I'd like to speak now either I'd like one of those 931 01:19:54,38 --> 01:19:57,24 students here to talk to the young lady there one of you. 932 01:20:04,37 --> 01:20:08,77 For all you hunters out there yesterday for deer camp got some serious pressure on 933 01:20:08,78 --> 01:20:11,84 me this year sitting my sister got 934 01:20:11,85 --> 01:20:17,12 a twelve point buck on opening day in the youth hunt. So here's the deal with the 935 01:20:17,13 --> 01:20:22,57 social post issue comes when it comes down to it it's purely logical responsibility 936 01:20:23,29 --> 01:20:29,70 this Friday night edu camp as goes what happens at deer camp stays at deer camp so 937 01:20:29,71 --> 01:20:31,73 if my dad were to offer me 938 01:20:31,74 --> 01:20:37,91 a beer no harm done soon I would drink it but if he chose to offer my buddies aka 939 01:20:37,92 --> 01:20:39,58 ha that's when becomes 940 01:20:39,59 --> 01:20:46,08 a problem that's up to there's dad's decision not my dad's and I certainly don't 941 01:20:46,09 --> 01:20:50,92 want my dad responsible for sending some sixteen year old kid into public hunting 942 01:20:50,93 --> 01:20:57,38 land have hung over and I'm pretty sure you don't want them sitting next to you we 943 01:20:57,39 --> 01:21:02,66 trust are adults in our lives to provide guidance when it comes to decision making 944 01:21:02,67 --> 01:21:09,62 skills. Skills aren't also teen there has hardly 945 01:21:09,63 --> 01:21:14,07 banned it Friday or Saturday night since my freshman year that I haven't had 946 01:21:14,08 --> 01:21:14,96 a chance to attend 947 01:21:14,97 --> 01:21:21,55 a party or bonfire were alcohol was being served there are some huge parties and 948 01:21:21,56 --> 01:21:26,22 others small gatherings but when a group of kids are sitting around 949 01:21:26,23 --> 01:21:32,34 a fire and the parents are inside the hose fully aware that they're all drinking 950 01:21:32,75 --> 01:21:37,42 that's hardly being responsible specially because eighty to ninety percent of the 951 01:21:37,43 --> 01:21:43,53 time these kids who are drinking and up sleeping in their own beds which means they 952 01:21:43,54 --> 01:21:49,27 drove home. Frankly in the past three years I've known many kids Lincoln High 953 01:21:49,28 --> 01:21:54,45 School who have been coated some are very good friends of mine in my opinion the 954 01:21:54,46 --> 01:22:01,42 social host ordinance is just logic and responsibility making everyone think twice 955 01:22:01,67 --> 01:22:05,34 about the consequences of their decisions and likely saving 956 01:22:05,35 --> 01:22:06,77 a few lives along the way. 957 01:22:13,21 --> 01:22:17,82 Hi My name is Alexa girls and I attend Wisconsin at this junior high my home 958 01:22:17,83 --> 01:22:23,64 address is twelve or thirteen. Last month we as the previous and current members of 959 01:22:23,65 --> 01:22:27,97 the Sebastian group attended the Wisconsin Rapid City Council meeting to speak out 960 01:22:27,99 --> 01:22:32,36 about the idea of askance rapid of askance Rapids adopting the social host 961 01:22:32,37 --> 01:22:37,43 ordinance when the idea of the ordinance was discussed there were questions raised 962 01:22:37,44 --> 01:22:42,86 by the council this is about how it will be enforced and if the idea was even 963 01:22:42,87 --> 01:22:48,52 necessary to move forward with the topic of enforcement as you know is debatable my 964 01:22:48,53 --> 01:22:51,78 dad was the chief of police in Rome Wisconsin for eight years and I've heard 965 01:22:51,79 --> 01:22:56,99 countless stories of teenagers being supplied with alcohol courtesy of consenting 966 01:22:57,00 --> 01:23:02,80 adults in forcing this ordinance will be no different than saying forcing the speed 967 01:23:02,81 --> 01:23:07,94 limit Unfortunately not every law breaking situation will be caught and that will 968 01:23:07,95 --> 01:23:14,22 remain the case as you've heard already Marshfield and want to have adopted social 969 01:23:14,23 --> 01:23:18,48 host ordinance and between these two cities have used us around approximately 970 01:23:18,49 --> 01:23:24,12 thirty one times underage drinking takes place more than recognize we would like to 971 01:23:24,13 --> 01:23:29,77 focus ordinance on the junior high to high school age rather than those who do not 972 01:23:29,78 --> 01:23:36,19 have. Or rely on adults and parent or guidance. This ordinance is 973 01:23:36,20 --> 01:23:42,65 a solution to an age old issue an issue which has grown with social media and 974 01:23:43,22 --> 01:23:46,35 has spread with the popular idea of the idea of 975 01:23:46,36 --> 01:23:51,14 a hundred drinking underage drinking is an issue that doesn't stop in the home but 976 01:23:51,15 --> 01:23:54,90 also continues to coworkers and family friends as 977 01:23:54,91 --> 01:23:58,90 a leadership group we are very passionate about this idea and I'd love to see it 978 01:23:58,91 --> 01:24:02,45 move forward Thank you very question 979 01:24:08,27 --> 01:24:14,56 all the persons any further requests to speak I still don't not have 980 01:24:14,57 --> 01:24:19,45 a motion on the floor as well make that comment anyone wishes to make that motion 981 01:24:25,23 --> 01:24:29,06 all the procedure Patrick please move to approve the ordinance request as presented 982 01:24:29,70 --> 01:24:29,83 in 983 01:24:29,84 --> 01:24:36,35 a motion by Kirkpatrick to approve his requests as presented second by Dolan and move 984 01:24:36,36 --> 01:24:38,33 into the discussion all the person for the please 985 01:24:43,28 --> 01:24:48,77 because I just want to be real clear about this if there is 986 01:24:49,35 --> 01:24:55,64 a bonfire and it's five eighteen year olds drinking 987 01:24:57,03 --> 01:24:58,25 is somebody going to end up with 988 01:24:58,26 --> 01:25:04,35 a thousand dollar ticket when again 989 01:25:05,00 --> 01:25:09,46 this really depends on the fact finding you know what what had occurred to be able 990 01:25:09,47 --> 01:25:14,79 to allow that to happen and if we have anyone who purposely unknowingly and again 991 01:25:14,80 --> 01:25:21,50 looking to in my mind certainly you know an older brother or sister parent 992 01:25:21,51 --> 01:25:25,96 someone that you know has real control and can make 993 01:25:25,97 --> 01:25:31,00 a decision whether or not this can or cannot occur and allows it to occur those are 994 01:25:31,01 --> 01:25:32,53 the facts that are going to lead us down 995 01:25:32,54 --> 01:25:38,15 a path that are going to lead towards to social holes he's OK if it's if it's five 996 01:25:38,16 --> 01:25:42,76 eighteen year olds or just happen to be able to sneak some brewskis out of Mum and 997 01:25:42,77 --> 01:25:47,38 Dad's fridge and get him out by the bonfire totally different it's all about the 998 01:25:47,38 --> 01:25:54,09 effect on him and he further requests to speak. 999 01:25:57,79 --> 01:25:58,47 On that make 1000 01:25:58,48 --> 01:26:03,29 a comment since I don't see for the request to speak it's been said earlier that 1001 01:26:03,41 --> 01:26:07,06 folks like you have had the courage to stand up and to present this to the city and 1002 01:26:07,07 --> 01:26:11,14 I think when the request came before the city to have this item appear on our 1003 01:26:11,15 --> 01:26:16,80 agenda and came to me in really thought about sort of like every request that comes 1004 01:26:16,81 --> 01:26:21,25 before the body of whether or not it should be put on the agenda you know thought 1005 01:26:21,26 --> 01:26:26,24 about it deeply right because there are consequences and to what extent the debate 1006 01:26:26,60 --> 01:26:31,34 will be reflected in the media reflected upon the city in terms of sort of how 1007 01:26:31,38 --> 01:26:36,41 people trade this body and I think this was such an example that not only youth but 1008 01:26:36,42 --> 01:26:40,91 also the police chief and the city attorney by doing the research and informing all 1009 01:26:40,92 --> 01:26:44,59 of us that this was something that you know we may have created an island for 1010 01:26:44,60 --> 01:26:48,35 ourselves and so I commend all of you for stepping up and putting ourselves out 1011 01:26:48,36 --> 01:26:53,70 there as as her Patrick had indicated you probably maybe look differently upon by 1012 01:26:53,74 --> 01:26:57,60 your peers and I can imagine that that's going to be that's that's 1013 01:26:57,61 --> 01:27:01,26 a challenge for you so thank you for taking the courage and and the confidence in 1014 01:27:01,27 --> 01:27:04,36 yourselves to be able to bring this in front of the body and and put forth 1015 01:27:04,37 --> 01:27:04,95 a really 1016 01:27:04,96 --> 01:27:08,82 a civil debate and I welcome you know and thank the members of this body to have 1017 01:27:08,83 --> 01:27:13,97 that discussion here tonight so. With that I'd entertain any other discussions 1018 01:27:13,98 --> 01:27:17,11 unless anyone else wishes to speak on the matter we've got an individual from the 1019 01:27:17,12 --> 01:27:21,48 public that wishes to speak does anyone want to wish for some time recognized 1020 01:27:21,86 --> 01:27:25,69 Kirkpatrick Stephen please come to the podium and introduce yourself thank you 1021 01:27:30,73 --> 01:27:34,27 believe that my name is Steven Kull the result of forty one point three Wisconsin 1022 01:27:34,31 --> 01:27:40,75 Rapids I come here for totally different reasons and I found myself 1023 01:27:41,29 --> 01:27:47,62 entertained by this issue. Jim I appreciate your concern for individual families 1024 01:27:47,70 --> 01:27:53,66 involved with thousand dollar fine what I am going to say on this is I lived out of 1025 01:27:53,67 --> 01:27:54,09 town for 1026 01:27:54,10 --> 01:27:58,26 a little bit during that time I worked for the rebels police department as 1027 01:27:58,27 --> 01:28:04,77 a reserve officer for about eleven years. One thing I follow the law is if you're 1028 01:28:04,78 --> 01:28:08,56 not breaking it you don't have to worry about the repercussions of 1029 01:28:08,57 --> 01:28:15,23 a fine well I have two kids at home that and I'll know ten years they're going to 1030 01:28:15,24 --> 01:28:20,72 be fifteen or seventeen and there's no way I'm going to give them the keys of the 1031 01:28:20,73 --> 01:28:26,73 house and go out of town for the weekend let them have their friends come over and 1032 01:28:26,74 --> 01:28:31,34 cordially drink so as a member of the public come here for 1033 01:28:31,35 --> 01:28:35,63 a totally different reason I commend these high school kids are doing what they're 1034 01:28:35,64 --> 01:28:42,41 doing to try to make an impact in this community and I I support this law 1035 01:28:43,49 --> 01:28:50,38 however I would ask the council if they do decide to passes law the 1036 01:28:50,39 --> 01:28:56,75 follow it up and take it one step further every student in high school or middle 1037 01:28:56,76 --> 01:28:58,33 school has 1038 01:28:58,34 --> 01:29:04,18 a decision to make We've all been there with the the team decisions that you're 1039 01:29:04,19 --> 01:29:11,17 faced with I was invited to parties in high school as well too I had that decision 1040 01:29:11,18 --> 01:29:12,11 to make do I go to 1041 01:29:12,12 --> 01:29:18,15 a party or do I not aside from the law the only thing that kept me from going to 1042 01:29:18,16 --> 01:29:24,83 those parties was the wrath that I would face from my father when I got home I 1043 01:29:24,84 --> 01:29:29,97 don't let's come down the very appearance is kind of subsided in the last couple 1044 01:29:29,98 --> 01:29:31,75 years so I would as 1045 01:29:31,76 --> 01:29:38,60 a council doing that considering this law is going to put that to the 1046 01:29:38,61 --> 01:29:43,80 parents I would challenge a council that every student that goes to 1047 01:29:43,81 --> 01:29:48,52 a party that knows it's a hosted party by parents they have 1048 01:29:48,93 --> 01:29:53,93 a very stiff penalty for every student their protection party as well to maybe not 1049 01:29:53,94 --> 01:29:54,70 in the capacity of 1050 01:29:54,71 --> 01:30:01,45 a fine but if you take say ten dollars an hour. At one hundred hundred dollars 1051 01:30:02,12 --> 01:30:04,97 there equals a thousand dollars so maybe consider maybe 1052 01:30:04,98 --> 01:30:10,49 a hundred hours of community service for every student that would participate in 1053 01:30:10,50 --> 01:30:17,43 such activity. Thank you much in my time. Thanks Stephen any 1054 01:30:17,44 --> 01:30:22,18 further discussion or any of the requests to speak to their members of the audience 1055 01:30:22,19 --> 01:30:24,58 or council members see non-O. 1056 01:30:24,59 --> 01:30:25,09 Move into 1057 01:30:25,10 --> 01:30:31,12 a vote please cast your ballot on the motion was to approve the ordinance as 1058 01:30:31,13 --> 01:30:31,59 presented 1059 01:30:50,22 --> 01:30:57,02 motion carried by Green thank you again for your participation 1060 01:30:57,03 --> 01:31:00,42 item fourteen we've got two items up in our agenda referral of communication to 1061 01:31:00,43 --> 01:31:05,50 committees. Nic had a given me a heads up that he wanted to make 1062 01:31:05,51 --> 01:31:07,70 a referral or an opportunity to make 1063 01:31:07,71 --> 01:31:14,62 a comment or student all the person that please hello 1064 01:31:14,66 --> 01:31:15,69 I am Nicholas because S. 1065 01:31:15,70 --> 01:31:19,20 He the current student alderman from Macon High School in there and I have been 1066 01:31:19,21 --> 01:31:23,56 working very hard on creating opportunity for the youth in the community to get 1067 01:31:23,57 --> 01:31:27,83 more involved mayors youth council is an opportunity for students to have their 1068 01:31:27,84 --> 01:31:33,76 voices heard concerning city improvement efforts. This group is another step closer 1069 01:31:34,19 --> 01:31:37,92 to engaging the youth in our community and will help create more activities the 1070 01:31:37,93 --> 01:31:41,89 community can enjoy in their spare time if you are interested in joining us 1071 01:31:41,90 --> 01:31:47,90 applications are available for anyone in grades one through twelve you can contact 1072 01:31:47,91 --> 01:31:51,02 Shane or the mayor's office for the application and you know their questions they 1073 01:31:51,03 --> 01:31:55,46 might have we are currently accepting applications any time from now until December 1074 01:31:55,47 --> 01:32:00,58 nineteenth we are playing have the first meeting in early to mid January and 1075 01:32:00,59 --> 01:32:05,45 expecting no more than two meetings per month we are also seeking advisory role 1076 01:32:05,46 --> 01:32:10,94 members they would be responsible for providing support and guidance during the 1077 01:32:10,95 --> 01:32:15,67 council meetings anywhere from schools city staff or the community who is 1078 01:32:15,68 --> 01:32:22,30 interested should contact the mayor's office for more details thank you thanks Nick 1079 01:32:22,30 --> 01:32:28,59 . Any other referral of communication to committees. NONE 1080 01:32:28,60 --> 01:32:30,43 a movement item fifteen adjournment in 1081 01:32:30,44 --> 01:32:34,60 a motion to adjourn motions or second motion in 1082 01:32:34,61 --> 01:32:39,47 a second by perky all in favor oppose that passes again thank you all for being 1083 01:32:39,48 --> 01:32:44,41 here those joining us via camera and everyone that's persuaded.